Saturday, October 25, 2008

pizza night

the four munchkins eating their pizza
Usually we eat homemade pizza on Friday nights but this night we had a special treat as Mum ordered in Pizza Hut pizza!!! The kids were so excited to eat Pizza Hut as they have not had this for such a long long time. Matthew could hardly believe his eyes when Dad walked in the door with the boxes in his hands and BJ did a little dance to celebrate!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ahoy there captain...

Ahoy there me hearties!!!

Matthew had so much fun dressing himself up as a pirate. Mummy only had to put the elastic on the eye patch and Matthew orgainsed the rest. All the kids have really enjoyed dressing up lately and playing games together.

Friday, October 17, 2008


What do you do when you find swimming caps and goggles?? Go skydiving of course!! Benjamin, Annie and Lucy found their swimming caps and goggles and thought it was a good idea to go pretend skydiving off the trailer.

The three musketeers getting ready to skydive!

BJ and Annie skydiving!!

BJ helping Lucy skydive! or tandem skydiving!
The kids had so much fun doing this and actually did some practise skydiving on the trampoline before they ventured off the trailer.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

just because...

... I think Lucy's eyes look absolutely gorgeous in this photo.

Lucy eating a piece of Amelie's birthday cake.

celebrating Amelie's birthday

Happy Birthday Amelie!!
Amelie had a small party to celebrate her third birthday and she asked all the children to come dressed up. There was no particular theme, Amelie just wanted everyone to come in a costume. We played some great games: pass the parcel, a treasure hunt, a pinata and of course pin the tail on the donkey. Everyone, including the parents, had such a great afternoon.
all the children sitting down to afternoon tea

Matthew dressed as a Liverpool soccer star

Benjamin dressed as Superman
(with red undies on the outside too!!)

Annie dressed as a ballerina

Lucy dressed as a Banana in Pajama's
(Mummy couldn't remember where she put the stripy shorts so Annie's checkered ones were the go!!)

becoming a Sunday tradition

It has fast become a traditon for Mum to come home from church each week and whip up a fresh batch of pancakes!! It is something we all look forward to.

waiting for round two!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Annie likes to hide under the pillow to make you believe she is asleep but she doesn't realise that she falls asleep everytime this does this!! On this particular day is was very hot and her head was completely covered in sweat. I am just so glad she was sleeping on Daddy's side of the bed.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Tooth Fairy has been busy!

In a matter of two weeks Matthew lost his two front teeth! The first tooth fell out while eating a sandwich for lunch and the second tooth fell out while eating a mango for dessert. So again the 'Tooth Fairy' paid a $2.55 visit to Matthew - a little less then while we were camping!! and Matthew developed a lisp overnight!!

Thanks Amelie...

... for getting to the end of your rewards chart and inviting BJ and Annie to Alma Park Zoo (and thanks for allowing the rest of us to tag along!). It was such a great day of looking at animals and feeding the animals too!! We saw some interesting animals, for instance: spider monkeys, a sun bear, the little animals that refer to the Madagascar characters as 'the pansies' and also having an opportunity to pat a snake. However, I think Matthew and BJ loved seeing the Baboons the most, especially their red bottoms! and let's not forget the male peacock making funny grunting noises at BJ while he was eating his lunch.

Uncle G, Annie, Amelie and Lucy looking the the baby chicks.

Mum, Matt and BJ feeding the donkey.

Matt feeding the kangaroo

BJ feeding the kangaroo too!

Daddy and Annie patting a baby chick.

The gang at the end of a BIG day.
We all slept well that night!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Holidays!! day five

Going home day! After a casual breakfast of pancakes and cereal we started to slowly pack up.

BJ and Annie playing on the surfboard

Matthew sitting on top of the camper

Daddy just about ready to hook the trailer onto the car.

We had such a great holiday!!

Holidays!! day four

We woke up to another windy day. So what do kids do when they need to make up some new fun? Make a cubby in the tent! Matt, BJ and Annie had a ball doing this. They used all the sleeping bags and anything else they could get their hands on to make their own adventure.

Cubby in the tent

playing UNO with Dad

Once low tide came we all piled into the car to venture over to the calm side of the island. It was perfect. No wind just pure sunshine and warmth!! Just what we needed. The boys went on an adventure over to a very large sand bank and collected some shells while Lucy slept in the car and Annie and Mum jumped waves.
When the boys returned from their adventure Dad notice how perfect the waves were for Matthew's first surfing lesson!! Matthew was so excited to have a turn on Dad's big board.
Matt and Dad waiting for a wave

Matthew riding his first wave!!

BJ, A, L and M having an icecream
After Matthew's hard work on the surfboard it was time to rest and relax with an ice cream before we headed back to camp. Once we were back it was time for some more kite flying before having the baths and some quiet time so Mum and Dad could prepare dinner.

A, BJ and M playing trouble waiting for dinner