Tuesday, March 31, 2009

cupcakes at Kindy

A birthday is never complete until you have the mandatory cupcakes at kindy. On the day Mummy took the cupcakes to kindy, Mummy and Lucy stayed until morning tea. Annie was so excited to show Mummy some of her favourite things to do during 'outside playtime' these included swinging like a monkey on the monkey bars and playing in the sandpit. Lucy had an absolute ball playing at kindy. She thought she was one of the big kids so when it came time for Miss C to ask the class to pack up, Lucy was right there too listening to the instructions and carrying them out. After we finished packing up it was time to sit on the carpet and sing 'Happy Birthday' to the birthday girl. Annie was so excited and loved it when everyone was singing. We all then proceeded out onto the verandah for morning tea and cupcakes.

Friday, March 27, 2009

baking with Noonie

On the Saturday before Annie's birthday, Annie and Noonie decided to do some special baking. They baked some special small birthday cakes to celebrate Annie's special day. Annie really enjoyed being in the kitchen with Noonie and Lucy really enjoyed the 'licking of the beater' tradition! Even though Lucy didn't help cook, at least she helped to clean up.

Lucy does not like to miss out on the action so when she heard Noonie doing the dishes she ran to the bathroom to get her step and proceeded to tell Noonie to move out of the way so she could give it a go. Lucy absolutely loved washing up. I just it continues!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

I can hardly believe it has been four years since my 'Baby Girl' was born. The day Annie was born started off like any other Wednesday (at the time). Daddy was up early to go the prayer meeting at church, Matthew and Benjamin woke up and was snuggling in bed with Mummy. We then proceeded to do our normal morning routine: breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed. Daddy arrived home from the prayer meeting as we were getting dressed so he decided to get ready for school too. We then both sat down at the dining room table to chat about what Mummy was up to for the day seeing as the baby was now one day overdue. After we chatted Daddy thought it was best he headed off to school seeing as now he was running late. As Mummy stood up to say goodbye, my waters broke, or should I say gushed everywhere! Daddy called school to let them know he was not showing up today and Mummy called Aunty Cherie to say that playgroup was cancelled and if she could call everyone to let them know. Daddy then called Grandma and Grandad to come over so they could look after Matthew and Benjamin. Mummy called Noonie at work to let her know what was going on but the receptionist told me that she was in a very important meeting but I insisted that I needed to talk with her. So she put me through and Noonie sounded very worried on the phone so I reassured her that everything was okay but I am having this baby! I heard this almighty scream on the other end of the phone and her boss asking if I had had the baby yet. So after all the phone calls I got my bags together for the hospital. We were in no rush because my waters broke at 8am and I was not experiencing too much discomfort with contractions so we were taking our time. However by 8:30am I was in full blown labour. Daddy in all his wisdom decided to drive Mummy to the hospital in his $200 old old OLD Corolla so in case anything happened I would not dirty the Patrol. As we were driving to the hospital, in peak hour traffic, Daddy decided to inform me that he had not driven his $200 Corolla this far before and was not sure if it would make it. AND IT DIDN'T... as we were driving through the boom gates to park the car, the Corolla decided to STOP right there and then. So the boom gate went up, we went through, or should I say partially through and the car STOPPED. Daddy was laughing so hard as he thought this was hilarious but Mummy was not so happy. So Daddy had to PUSH the car to a parking spot, thankfully it wasn't too far away! We then proceeded up to the Birth Suite. The first nurse took us through to the waiting room and asked us to wait for another nurse who would examine me. The contractions were coming on stronger and there was no sign of a nurse so Daddy asked to see one and this lovely nurse showed up. The Birthing Suites were so busy they didn't have any spare rooms but seeing as Mummy was about to have this baby they took me into there spare room/store room to examine me. As Mummy was getting on the bed I said "This baby is coming" the nurse freaked out told me to 'hold it in there' and rushed me to a Birthing room. The cleaner was putting on clean sheets as we entered the room but she had to jump out of the way so Mummy could get on there. It was only a matter of minutes later that our beautiful little girl was born. We were so excited that we had our girl. We felt so blessed by God that he chose us to be your parents. The feelings of joy and excitement were indescribable. We were just beaming from ear to ear. One thing I do remember telling Dad after having you (we were still in the birth suite) was "I am not doing that ever again". (Well we know now that did not happen!) We love you so much Annie Jane and our lives would not be complete without you in them every day.

Annie Jane
born at 9:35am
March 16 2005
8lb 6oz

three days old


The day had finally arrived. After counting down her birthday since Christmas Annie was so excited that HER day had finally come. So the day was kicked started by an early morning of opening presents and receiving handmade birthday cards made by two of her favourite fans, Matthew and Benjamin.

Matthew giving Annie the card he made and the present he bought with his own money

Annie with her necklace and bracelet

The day continued with one of Annie's favourite activities, swimming lessons. She absolutely loves swimming and so the lessons are a highlight of her week.

Annie waiting on the step for her lesson to begin

After a fun filled morning the day continued with more celebrations and presents. Aunty Cherie, Georgia and Bradman came by for some special afternoon tea - which of course means eating more birthday cake!

Annie opening the present from Georgia

The day was only completed once we had pizza for dinner!

Monday, March 16, 2009

pre-birthday celebrations

Annie's birthday celebrations started a day early this year! The first celebration was with Amelie. Aunty Cath had a great idea to take the girls to the movies to see Angelina Ballerina. This was Amelie's first time to the movies so there were celebrations all round. Annie and Amelie really enjoyed the movie and their popcorn and their Easter eggs!

Amelie and Annie waiting to go into the movies

the girls sitting in their seats

After the movie we went to have a special morning tea at Donut King! Annie and Amelie did not eat much of their donut, they just entertained the crowd by dancing and prancing around the tables. These girls love to dance.

Annie opening up the present Amelie gave her.

Annie looking through her new Ballet book with Amelie looking just as excited!

The day didn't finished there! In the afternoon Noonie, Grandma and Grandad came over for dinner and cake and of course presents.

Annie insisted on wearing her new Dora PJ's to bed.

Annie's Birthday Barbie cake.

And as per tradition, if the birthday girl touches the bottom of the plate when cutting the cake the she must kiss the closest boy! Daddy was the lucky one!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Let the Music begin!

Matthew has started piano lessons and he absolutely loves it. After his first lesson he was very eager to show us what he had learnt. So after dinner Matthew serenaded us all but instead of playing on the big keyboard (because Daddy had not set it up yet) he had to play on the kids toy keyboard. He didn't care as long as he could play.