Sunday, September 19, 2010

one of my favourites

this is one of my favourite photos from my field trip.

gorgeous boy

These photos are taken down at one of our favourite Sunday afternoon spots.  Matthew is definitely an adventure boy and not even cold weather will stop him getting wet and muddy when the tide is out.

mummy's photography

Here is a sample of photos I took on the last day of my four week photography course.  I learnt how to take photos manually - that is using the ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

merit bar

Benjamin has been waiting since Matthew came home with his first merit bar for this moment - HIS FIRST merit bar award.  We are so very proud of Benjamin, he is an absolute model student academically and personally and fully deserves this award.  Benjamin was beaming from ear to ear when he was handed his award by the head of Junior school.  He is already working toward his next one!

Benjamin showing me his merit bar after assembly

our funny girl

This is how Mummy found Lucy during one afternoon nap...

...she found the mask Daddy brought back from his overseas trip.

Lucy is definitely our funny girl.  She tries to make us all laugh at every opportunity, which means she usually goes to any great length to get us giggling.  However, this time she must have been waiting for me to come check on her but she did not count on falling asleep first.  So as any good mother does - we take photos of these priceless moments!!! 

the first top tooth GONE!!!

It has taken a long time but FINALLY Benjamin has lost his first top tooth.  He has wriggled it and wriggled it to no avail but during half time at soccer while he was eating his oranges THE tooth came out!!  At the end of the game there was not only 3 cheers for winning the game but the team also gave Benjamin 3 cheers for losing his tooth. 

the cheeky monkey with out his top tooth