Tuesday, August 14, 2012

fun at Wynnum

On a Sunday afternoon we like to go down to the water and relax.  This particular afternoon we visited Aunty Jo and the finished the day off down at Wynnum with the scooters.

Lucy and Annie


BJ and Daddy

Lucy, Annie and BJ

Such a great way to spend the afternoon.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mary Poppins...

Thanks to Noonie we all got Mary Poppins tickets for Christmas.  Everyone was so excited to be going and we counted down for weeks before we went.  The musical was amazing!  The kids really enjoyed the whole theatrics of it all - the singing, the dancing, the props, the special magic pieces, the whole thing!!

kids dressed and ready to go

waiting for the show

Mama and the kids

The original plan was for Noonie to come with us but due to Noonie's special trip to England Mama joined us instead.  It was such a lovely afternoon.  The kids will remember this for a long time. 

school 2012

Well this was the year I was dreading.  The year ALL my babies go to school.  Lucy started prep this year (and has loved EVERY minute of it) while Matthew is inYear 5, Benjamin Year 3 and Annie Year 2.  Lucy was counting down the days until she started school and she hasn't looked back.   I struggled to begin with but then my time has been filled up fast with reading groups in all the kids classrooms as well as relief teaching and running the church's playgroup.  All this actvitiy has really helped me deal with the quietness at home.  I wouldn't have it any other way as ALL the kids LOVE school.  We are so blessed to be able to send our kids to such a great school.

Lucy in her Prep uniform

Matt, BJ and Annie in there formal uniforms

first day all the kids left for school
(Lucy had a staggered start to school due to being in Prep)