Friday, November 7, 2008

mid-week church service

Annie the piano player

BJ the lead guitarist

Annie praying after church commences

packing up their 'music' books

going 'home'
Benjamin and Annie had a mid-week church service for Mummy and Lucy. Benjamin was the music leader with his 'lead' guitar and 'music' book (which was to help him know how to play the songs!) and Annie was the prayer and piano player. The service began with BJ and Annie singing "Sunday Monday Happy Days, Tuesday Wednesday happy Days...." and continued on to "Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy...." After the music BJ sent Mummy and Lucy to 'Sunday School' so Annie and BJ could stay in BIG church (probably to do what ever they think the Mummy and Daddy's do on a Sunday!) Once Mummy and Lucy were called out of Sunday school, BJ and Annie packed up and went home!!

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