Monday, December 8, 2008

Benjamin's Kindy Christmas concert

BJ was so excited about performing in his Kindy christmas concert. He had been practicing every afternoon at kindy for the past four weeks and finally the day had come for his performance. BJ made sure he had on his special christmas shirt that Mama had made and the reindeer nose and ears that Noonie bought him.

BJ waiting for the concert to start

BJ performing

At the end of the concert part of the afternoon, a very special guest turned up for ALL the kindy kids...SANTA. Benjamin could hardly contain his excitment.

BJ listening to Santa talk about his ride to Kindy

BJ's photo with Santa after receiving his special present

BJ's special present - a book!!
BJ had a great afternoon at his Kindy Christmas concert. He was so happy and excited by it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bennie what a wonderful roodolph you make with your nose shining so bright I am sure Santa will want you to help drive his slay on Christmas eve! thank you for inviting me to your special day I had a wonderful time. Really looking forward to seeing my two wise men and delightful Angel on Saturday. see ye then love always Noonie xxx