Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Lately I have been looking through some of our old photos and so many memories come to mind like this one:
Annie's first night in a BIG bed.
18 months old
Annie was so excited to be a BIG bed, so with 'Baby' in her arms,a book near by and BIG kisses from Mum & Dad it was time to turn out the lights. Annie settled in her bed SO well. We did not really have any problems with Annie in a BIG bed until she went through this phase:
after all the kisses and the lights were out Annie got to work.....
undressing herself!
I can not recall how many nights we would find her stripped off to bare nakedness. It took some bribery to stop this habit!

putt putt

For playgroup we headed off to 'Putt Putt Golf ' and the kids thoroughly enjoyed it!! Lucy did not quite make the 18 holes (let's say she made about 2 holes!!) and Annie managed about 14 holes. However, they did enjoyed exploring the area so with noone else there to annoy us mum's were more than happy for them to go exploring.

Lucy after tapping the ball into the first hole!

Annie concentrating very hard

some of the playgroup kids

Friday, June 26, 2009

a fun afternoon of painting

Mummy decided that we needed to brighten up some plain pillow cases that were in the cupboard. So out came the fabric paint, some stamps and lots of creativity. The boys discussed what they would like to do on their pillow case and Annie thought it was a great idea too.

all of us sitting around the table talking ideas

Mummy and her 2 beautiful girls

Mummy helping Lucy with her stamp

Mummy helping BJ
The end result meant the pillow cases were very colourful and personal with the kids hand prints on their very own pillow cases. We all had a wonderful afternoon exploring our creative side!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Annie's fun run

Annie's kindy put on a special fun run morning for all the children. The kids needed to complete three activities. 1. jumping over hurdles and jumping over the hoops 2. kicking the ball into the goal 3. having a running race and then running with the wooden horses. Annie had an absolute blast. Her favourite activity was kicking the ball into the goal.
After each activity the children received a special ribbon from their mums to pin onto them. Once the children completed their activities it was the parents turn! We had to first of all play tunnel ball which all the children thought was quite funny, then we competed in our own running race BUT with balloons between our knees. Annie thought this was the best ever. Then once we were finished each child got to pin a ribbon on their parent.

Annie with her first ribbon
Annie with her group

kicking a goal

jumping over the hurdles

running with the wooden horse

Matt & BJ's U8's day

Matt and BJ had a wonderful U8's day at school. The teachers had some fantastic activities for the kids to do and they loved every minute of it AND so did Lucy!! (Annie was a kindy)

Matt making a paper plane

Matt, Lucy and BJ

Lucy and BJ doing some craft

Lucy with a paper pirate hat
Matthew and BJ's favourite activity was badge making. Both boys had a great time designing and creating their own special badge to wear. The boys also enjoyed going on an 'archaeological dig' to find some buried fossils. Thanks to all the teachers for their hard work.

Annie's U8's day

Annie's U8's day was at beautiful local park with beautiful weather. Both girls had a fantastic fun filled day. They got to have their face painted, have a photo with Buzz and Woody, make a crown, blow bubbles, make a kite, run around an obstacle course, look in a police car and a fire truck and pat some farm animals plus much much more. Annie absolutely loved blowing the bubbles and Lucy just loved getting into everything!! It was a wonderful day and the girls were definitely tired by the end of it. All the C&K's teachers that participated in putting the day together did a fantastic job. Thanks so much

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

next generation of drummer

Benjamin absolutely loves music. It doesn't matter which instrument he is playing BJ plays wholeheartedly. On this particular night I found BJ playing the drums with his goggles on ("so I don't poke myself in the eye Mum") using the pool cue sticks (from the game Nick gave him) on the coffee table all the while listening to some Hillsong music. This may be a glimpse into the future of the next generation of drummers!!

Matthew's ROC award

Matthew has received a ROC (record of commendation) award from school which was presented to him on assembly. His teacher gave Matthew the award for 'an excellent attitude in all areas of school life' which he does try very hard to do everyday. It just really helps that Matty loves school!! We are so proud of you Matthew xxxx

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I was looking back at some photos of the kids and started down memory lane. So here are some photos of the kids before Lucy made her arrival!
Annie (18mths old) after a bath

BJ (2 1/2 yrs) copying what Daddy does!

BJ (2 1/2 yrs) and Matthew (4yrs) helping with the gardening

Annie (18mths) Matt (4 yrs) and BJ (2 1/2 yrs) making funny faces!

what all kids love to do

Lucy absolutely loves playing in the rain so when Mummy gave her permission to go splash in the puddles she did not need to be told twice!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

things we have to do....

....so Daddy can have peace and quiet to work on an assignment!

So we headed out for a day of play. While Daddy was at home completing an assignment and poor Benjamin home sick in bed, the rest of us decided to take full advantage of a beautiful sunny day. After church we went on an adventure. Firstly, we stopped at the kite festival to look at all the kites and then we went to Scarborough Beach park for a play on the playground, fish & chips for lunch, a play on the beach and of course climbing the rocks. We had such a fantastic day with beautiful weather and plenty of laughs. BUT we did miss Benjamin and Daddy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Benjamin's 1st certificate!

BJ receiving his certificate from 'Coach'

BJ and his first certificate
Benjamin has been waiting all season to receive his certificate and finally his time had come. BJ received the 'Most Improved Charger of the Match' award.

A day to remember???

What a great way to start the day.....all the cherubs rushing into Mummy's room shouting "Happy Mother's Day!" and giving me lots of kisses and cuddles. Then they all gave me the presents they had made, bought from the schools Mother's day stall and the gifts they had chosen with Daddy, into the bed with me. Matthew had carefully chosen a water bottle for me that had 'World's Best Mum' written on it from the schools stall with a beautiful hand made card. Benjamin selected a beautiful necklace from the stall and also a very thoughtful and colorful hand made card, Annie and Lucy gave me a card that they had both written their names in (Lucy attempted to write her name and Annie corrected it!) Daddy and the kids also gave me some silicone baking ware (which is fantastic) and an 'Apple slinky machine' because Benjamin said that Mummy really needs one so I could give him apple slinky's for lunch!

Mummy and Matt with the water bottle
After such a lovely time in bed it was time for breakfast. While we were sitting down to breakfast, Daddy was very busy getting our picnic lunch organised. He did everything. From the picnic basket to the chopping of wood for a BBQ lunch to the organising of getting the kids in the car. Then off we set for Mt Glorious. Noonie (who had slept over so she could be with us for the whole of mother's day) decided to read to the kids in the car while we were weaving and winding along the Mailman's Track. This idea in the end turned out to be a wrong one! Once we started to ascend Mt Glorious, Lucy started to look pale, so as Mummy was looking for something for Lucy to hold in case she threw up, BJ said "Mummy I don't ....." and then proceeded to throw up which in turn immediately made Lucy throw up. BJ threw up all over the floor in the back back of the car and Lucy threw up all over herself and her car seat. Daddy pulled over as best as he could on the side of the road but then had to move and find a more safer option up the mountain a little further.

Annie, Matt, BJ and Lucy waiting on the side of the road

Daddy cleaning out Lucy's seat

Daddy and Noonie worked very hard to clean up the mess as best as they could with the baby wipes that were in the car and the giant plastic bags left in the car from camping! Mummy just watched over the kids as the smell did not sit well with me. Seeing as Lucy had to take off her clothes and Mummy not having a spare pair in the car for her it was time to head home. Therefore we enjoyed a BBQ lunch at home!

finally we all got to have some lunch

And that was Mother's Day!