Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Lately I have been looking through some of our old photos and so many memories come to mind like this one:
Annie's first night in a BIG bed.
18 months old
Annie was so excited to be a BIG bed, so with 'Baby' in her arms,a book near by and BIG kisses from Mum & Dad it was time to turn out the lights. Annie settled in her bed SO well. We did not really have any problems with Annie in a BIG bed until she went through this phase:
after all the kisses and the lights were out Annie got to work.....
undressing herself!
I can not recall how many nights we would find her stripped off to bare nakedness. It took some bribery to stop this habit!


The Adventures of Big Bertha! said...

How funny! We had a similar experience with Miss Marcella except she would do a poo and wipe it all over her sheets and the wall. Like you it took some bribery to stop it and we haven't looked back!

Kimmy said...

It must be a girl thing - Mikayla did the same when all three were in the one room while we were extending. The boys would laugh at her hysterically which gave her all the motivation she needed. Being 9 months pregnant and completely lacking energy I resorted to packing tape (it was time consuming to get the nappy off in the morning though!!) Isn't it amazing how you can look back now and laugh at what was very stressful at the time, LOL!

Cath said...

He he. That's funny Aunty Ang.

Love from Amelie