Saturday, July 18, 2009

boys and camping

On a very early and chilly 3am morning the boys headed off for their camping trip. The boys slept in their tracksuits, had their shoes at the end of the bed and waited eagerly for Daddy to wake them up. They were off for an adventure to Fraser Island with Uncle Pete, Christian and Josh.

The adventure consisted of: playing in the sand

Daddy and BJ
: snorkeling in the VERY clear water at Lake McKenzie, Eli Creek and the Champagne pools
Daddy with BJ to the left and Christian to the right.
: having a joy flight around the island (this was a definite highlight)
Daddy and the boys (left) Uncle Peter and his boys (right)
: swimming down Eli Creek
Josh, Christian, Matt, BJ and Daddy
: and some sight seeing at the Mahemo ship wreck
BJ, Matt and Daddy
At night the boys loved toasting their marshmallows on the fire before heading off to bed after some VERY big days. When the boys returned four days later they were extrememly tired with lots of stories and adventures to tell Mummy and the girls.

Friday, July 17, 2009

best bro's go to the Broncos

The boys and Daddy got free tickets to go see the Broncos play and the boys were so excited. They pulled out their Broncos gear (thanks to Nick's hand-me-downs), put on their termals (as it is very cold for Brisbanians), packed a bag full of snacks (as the canteen food is SO expensive) and headed to the football. They boys had a blast and could not stop talking about it for days.

best bro's before heading out for the game
Matthew (7 yrs old) and BJ (5 yrs old)
After seeing the top photo it reminded me of another photo from a few years ago:

Matthew (4 1/2 yrs old) and BJ (3 yrs old)

Matthew and Benjamin have been inseperable since BJ was born. The boys absolutely adore eachother and love being together and doing everything together. The above photo was taken 1 month after Lucy was born when we took the kids to the Thomas the Tank Engine Rail Museum for a holiday treat. It was a great day filled with many happy memories and a day we often still talk about as a family.
Oh how my babies are growing up TOO fast!

While the boys are away, the girls will play

While the boys went on a camping trip with Dad, the girls had a great time at home. It was such a great way to start the holidays for both the boys and the girls.

It all started with chocolate pancakes with strawberries after church.

Lucy & Annie eating pancakes
After a quick sleep it was time to cross the road for a double birthday party with plenty of food, games and lollies.
The following day as a cleaning day so while Mummy was cleaning, I looked out the window to see .....
Lucy and Annie cleaning Daddy shed.
The girls had filled a bucket with water, got some of Mummy's old hand towels and proceeded to clean the shed. They were so very proud of themselves.

After all that hard work it was time for some fun, BUBBLE BLOWING. The girls just love to do this. Annie has definitely got it down pat but Lucy is still learning to hold the bottle and blow the bubbles while not pouring out the liquid.

Lucy & Annie on the back steps.
After a day of cleaning and bubble blowing you can't go past fish & chips in front the T.V. watching a movie (Annie chose WALL E) to end a glorious day.

the girls enjoying dinner

After a fun filled day the day before, it was off the visit one of Mummy's friend in hospital who had just had a baby and then finish the night off with McDonalds for dinner.
So after a Mummy focused day, the next day was filled with lots of playing at the park with some great friends.



So after a full day at the park it was time to wait for the boys to return home, so what better thing to do then CHALK DRAWINGS on the driveway....

The girls and I had a wonderful time doing the things we wanted to do BUT it was so nice to have the boys and Daddy back home.

She finally eats sandwiches!!

After 4 1/2 years of refusing to eat sandwiches (or crackers, crispbread, SAO's ...) we have hit a winning combination.... butter and BBQ sauce. Annie just loves this combination and now gladly eats sandwiches. This is also a winner for Mummy as she now has something else to put in her lunch box for Kindy other than fruit and custard! Before sandwiches Annie's lunch box comprised of a tub of custard, three pieces of fruit and a homemade goody. Now we can add a sandwich!!