Friday, July 17, 2009

best bro's go to the Broncos

The boys and Daddy got free tickets to go see the Broncos play and the boys were so excited. They pulled out their Broncos gear (thanks to Nick's hand-me-downs), put on their termals (as it is very cold for Brisbanians), packed a bag full of snacks (as the canteen food is SO expensive) and headed to the football. They boys had a blast and could not stop talking about it for days.

best bro's before heading out for the game
Matthew (7 yrs old) and BJ (5 yrs old)
After seeing the top photo it reminded me of another photo from a few years ago:

Matthew (4 1/2 yrs old) and BJ (3 yrs old)

Matthew and Benjamin have been inseperable since BJ was born. The boys absolutely adore eachother and love being together and doing everything together. The above photo was taken 1 month after Lucy was born when we took the kids to the Thomas the Tank Engine Rail Museum for a holiday treat. It was a great day filled with many happy memories and a day we often still talk about as a family.
Oh how my babies are growing up TOO fast!

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