Saturday, August 8, 2009

family holidays

We all love camping, so at every opportunity we pack up our stuff and off we go. This holiday we headed off to one of our favourite locations, Double Island. We had a bit of a set back at the start of the trip, our car wouldn't start, but after some prayer the car miraculously started. We all had a great time and came away with some great stories.

Some of the highlights:

* as soon as we arrived the boys found a tree to climb.

Matt, Nick and BJ

* all the kids (including Nick) sitting out the front of the camper waiting for the sun to set.

Lucy, Annie, BJ, Matty and Nick

* the beautiful girls
Lucy and Annie

* early one morning we all headed down to the beach to fly the kites while the sun was rising.

Nick flying the kite while Matty watches on
* one of our favourite places at Double Island, Red Canyon. We all climbed to the top and were in awe of the beautiful view
* going to the sand blow at Rainbow Beach was also a highlight. These sand dunes were huge so when you went down the dune on your boogies board you really picked up some speed.

BJ falling off the boogie board while speeding down the dune

Daddy flying off the boogie board

making sandcastles at the sand blow
* campfires at night
Nick preparing the firewood for our last campfire
Nick and BJ around the campfire
There were so many highlights to the holiday - playing soccer on the beach, watching the girls run around in their swimmers while everyone else had their jumpers and track pants on, Nick starting his first fire, UNO games, sliding down the sand dunes right outside of tent on the boogie boards..... We all had so much fun and have come away from a great holiday with some fantastic memories.

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