Saturday, September 12, 2009

cooking with mummy

I love it when Annie helps me prepare dinner and cook. She is definitely my little helper!.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Book Fair

This year for book fair, the students had an opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character. Seeing as the boys are obsessed with anything 'SPY' at the moment, it was no surprise when they asked to go as Zac Power.

BJ and Matt as Zac Power

The boys had on their camo gear, backpacks with secret gadgets hidden away, special microphones and their GIB identity cards. The boys had a great day at school and really enjoyed playing in character during lunchtime.

Monday, September 7, 2009

soccer carnival

Every year at the end of the soccer season the boys participate in a carnival to mark the end of the season. Both boys were so excited about playing in the carnival due to the fact it was BJ's first year of soccer and Matthew could not participate last year due to his broken collarbone. The days leading up to the carnival the boys could hardly contain their excitement.

The carnival was a such a great day. The team played three games on the record breaking 30 something degree August Saturday. All the boys were absolutely exhausted by the end of the day but they had SO MUCH fun. The coach and manager gave each boys a special certificate at the end to mark such a wonderful season. 'The Chargers' were undefeated all season (until the carnival in which they won one game) so this was definitely an achievement worth celebrating.
We are so proud of you boys!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

busy boys

One Saturday afternoon the boys decided to make some scooter jumps. So Daddy got out his scrap wood, nails and power drills and off the went. Firstly the boys came up with a design, then they chose the most suitable scraps of wood and then hammering they went.

BJ, Daddy and Matt putting the design into action
BJ using the power drill to put it altogether
Once it was all constructed there was only one thing left to do.... try it out!!
BJ was quite nervous about the whole thing so it took him several tries to get the hang of it.
BJ's first attempt
Matthew though is a natural when it comes to doing stunts!

Matthew thought this was the 'coolest'.

Lucy is never one to miss out so her big brother was very willing to help her out.
Matt helping Lucy
Annie is just like Matthew so any opportunity to be a 'stunt driver' she is there!

Annie is always one to give things a go

The kids had so much fun doing this and are already thinking up of other things to make.