Monday, September 7, 2009

soccer carnival

Every year at the end of the soccer season the boys participate in a carnival to mark the end of the season. Both boys were so excited about playing in the carnival due to the fact it was BJ's first year of soccer and Matthew could not participate last year due to his broken collarbone. The days leading up to the carnival the boys could hardly contain their excitement.

The carnival was a such a great day. The team played three games on the record breaking 30 something degree August Saturday. All the boys were absolutely exhausted by the end of the day but they had SO MUCH fun. The coach and manager gave each boys a special certificate at the end to mark such a wonderful season. 'The Chargers' were undefeated all season (until the carnival in which they won one game) so this was definitely an achievement worth celebrating.
We are so proud of you boys!

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