Thursday, April 1, 2010

Annie's first day of school

Oh how time flies.  I can hardly believe that my baby girl has started school.  Annie was so excited and she had been counting down the sleeps for at least a week.  As Annie is in Prep, the Prepies had a staggered start to the year.  This is when one half of the class start one day (Wed), the next half goes the following day(Thurs), then they all start on the Friday.  Seeing as the boys didn't start until the Thursday, it worked out well as we all were able to focus our attention on Annie.  Annie got herself ready in no time which enabled Mummy so much time to take plenty of photos, and even have photos with Phoebe (our neighbour) who was also starting school.  When Annie arrived at school she met up with her friend Hannah who happened to be in the same class - Prep S.  Mrs Smith is Annie's teacher and she is absolutely lovely.  After doing some puzzles with Mummy and Daddy, Mrs Smith rang her bell and it was then time to say goodbye to all the parents.  Annie did not shed a tear but Mummy can't say that!!  Even Lucy cried the first week Annie went to school and asked why Annie had to stay at school with the boys and why she couldn't come home.  There has definitely been an adjustment period for Mummy and Lucy. 

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