Thursday, May 13, 2010

scooter kids

The kids love it when Daddy takes them to the skate park early on Saturday mornings.  Mummy also loves it because it means I can have a sleep-in in peace!!





All the kids love riding there scooters and there is no better reward then having a go on the jumps and trying out new tricks.  This does mean accidents and injuries - and YES trips to the hospital!!  Matthew being the adventurer that he is tried to do a 'trick' but feel over his handle bars and hit himself pretty hard.  Therefore, off to the doctors he goes for a check up jsut to be sure but the doctor advised Daddy to take Matty to the hospital as he had blood in his urine.  So 6hrs later the hospital discharged Matthew with a bad case of internal kidney bruising.  We had to keep an eye on him for a few days and he had to have a few urine tests to make sure the blood left his system - it took two weeks but eventually he was all normal again!!  Nothing like a trip to the hospital to fill an afternoon. 


Kimmy said...

Oh no Matty! So sorry to hear about ANOTHER accident!!! Glad to hear that you are better now :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew fancy you going to the hospital I am preety sure they know you very well by now!! Mind you Bennie boy is not far behind you with his bump onthe head last week love ye lots Noonie xxx