Saturday, April 23, 2011

beach babies

We love the beach!!  Whenever we get a chance to go up the coast for a swim at the beach, we are off.  All the kids love the water and get very excited about ANY beach visit.

Annie boogie boarding

Lucy just loves to splash about

Matthew loves to float, float and float some more in the waves

And while I was taking all the photos of these three, Daddy and BJ were 'out the back' catching the big waves.  BJ has really taken a liking to boogie boarding the big waves and to be honest he is Dad's shadow at the moment.  Wherever Daddy is, so is BJ.

BJ after his big surf with Dad

Monday, April 18, 2011

christmas morning

My favourite time of year....Christmas morning.  The kids wake up with such excitement, not only for the presents they get but also for the presents they get to give to each other.  But first the boys had to wait patiently for the girls to wake up. This year was little different, Noonie was not with us and her lack of presence was noted by how QUIET the house was!! Maybe that's why the girls slept in!!

After the ALL the kids woke up they jumped on Mum and Dads bed and went through their Santa sacks and had so much fun discovering what Santa had left them.  After that we all went to the Christmas tree to open the family presents.  The kids got so excited with all their presents and the presents their brothers and sisters received it was so lovely to watch.  While Mum and Dad got the traditional Christmas breakfast ready, the kids played so wonderfully with their new toys.  The boys played Star Wars with their new light sabers and lasers and the girls played with their new beado sets.

Breakfast was served...with mangoes, bacon and eggs, croissants, laughter and love.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

christmas comes early

With Noonie heading south for Christmas we had our family christmas a week early. What a wonderful time we all had. 
To start off the celebrations Annie made a christmas biscuit tree for all of us to enjoy before eating Noonie's beautiful Christmas roast dinner.

Annie with her christmas biscuit tree she made all by herself 

Christmas presents!!!

Noonie and her grandkids opening presents

Daddy opening his presents

Mummy and the angel Noonie gave me

boys playing with their new toys

Lucy doing the dishes
Lucy has really enjoyed washing the dishes lately

kids at the christmas lights
there is no better way to finish off christmas celebration than visiting the local christmas lights

We had such a great time with lots of laughter, food and fun

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

happy birthday Lucy

I can hardly believe my Goose is 4.  I have LOVED every minute of Lucy and she has added so much love, laughter and enjoyment into our family.  We are all so blessed to have Lucy as part of our family. At the very beginning I wondered if child number four was going to be a blessing!! I didn't realise that 'morning' sickness was going to be 24hrs a day for just under 30 weeks with Mummy taking medication 3 times a day to try and keep it at bay or that Daddy (& Matt) would have to bring dry toast to bed for me to eat BEFORE I even lifted my head from the pillow or that I would be calling Daddy to come home from work early to help me with our three other small children (what a VERY understanding school he works for) MOST days of the week or that Noonie would be coming over ALOT on the weekends to help Daddy keep up the washing and cleaning or that you would be entering this world in a very quick fashion.  BUT it was all worth it.  Lucy Goosey you make our family complete and you bring so much joy to us all and I cannot ever imagine my life without you. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face.