On the final day with the Wiseman's we did what we do best, PACK AS MUCH INTO THE DAY AS WE CAN!!
Jake decided to stay at Noonie's house to help his Mum and Dad pack the car, but Ryan, Mikayla and Jordy decided to make a trip over to our house. So we started with a walk/bike/scooter ride to the 'Bob the Builder' park. The kids had a ball climbing the frames, riding the flying fox and spinning around on the spinny things. While walking home we had to follow tradition by playing in the vacant carparks at kindy and the childcare centre. The boys in particular enjoyed riding their scooters and racing each other, while the girls took turns riding the bikes in cirlces around the perimeter of the carparks. There was one mishap in which Aunty Ang did not realise that Jordy did not know how to use the brakes on the bike so after a slight collision with a bush Jordy had a very quick lesson on using brakes! After the park we headed back home to have a cool down and to eat an ice block. Once Lucy was awake we piled into our cars and drove to a second park near Noonie's house that had scooter jumps for the boys. The girls played happily on the fort while the boys rode their scooters. There was so much to do at this 'new' park so we stayed for quite a while. After Benjamin had a 'stack' and the tummy's started to rumble we knew it was time to head back to Noonie's house for some dinner and some play time with Jake. It was so nice to be able to have one last meal together before the 'Wiseman's' made their long journey home.
1 comment:
thanks to all my wonderful grandchildren who made my holiday the best time I have ever had, God has blessed me with eight wonderful georgeous most well behaved grandchildren any person could have Ho! and by the way thanks to their mum's and dad's for your efforts in giving them to me! very much appreciated
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