Getting out my wisdom teeth that is! Mummy had the unfortunate task of getting out ALL four wisdom teeth. I was very anxious about the whole thing so the lovely oral surgeon thought it best if I was completely asleep for the whole operation and get out all four at once so I did not have to go back again. I think the doctor knew he only had one chance with me so he wanted to get them all out while he could! Daddy took me to the surgery and waited patiently for it to be all over. When I first went in the anaesthetist went through the procedure and asked if I had any comments or questions so I did inform her of my phobia of needles and she reassured me everything would be okay but as we walked into surgery she did say to the surgeon and his assistant that we have "a patient who needs us to talk to her alot". So then both the surgeon and nurse started firing questions at me about family, children... and then the next thing I knew I was being woken up by the nurse to say it was all done. My first thoughts emotions were relief followed by tears while I was saying to myself "it is over, it is over, hold on I don't remember getting the needle." So once I was alert I was allowed to go home.

Mummy holding bags of peas on my face
two days later
Daddy was fantastic! He cooked, cleaned, made school/kindy lunches, did the school/kindy run, homework, bathing, played lots of uno with the kids AND looked after mummy. It was so nice knowing that everyone and everything was being taken care off. And thanks to Noonie for also helping out on the two days Daddy had to go to work and also on the weekend. You were both so good to me.
This is definitely one experience I will never forget and one that I know I will never have to experience again.