Easter holidays at Broken Head this year was fantastic. Despite the late afternoon rain we had beautiful weather. The kids played on the beach, the boys had a surf on their boogie boards and plenty of games were played. Dinners were always a highlight with everyone in our annexe (due to the rain!) having a group dinner which ranged from a roast dinner with crepes for dessert, a Mongolian BBQ with make your own trifle, a traditional BBQ with rocky road cheesecake for dessert..... there was always plenty of food on hand. Another highlight (or should I say a bad memory) of the camping trip was all the mud due to the overnight rain we had. The kids at first enjoyed squishing around in it but after three days of the stuff, we were all over it!

Annie, Lucy and BJ digging a hole in the sand

Nick, Daddy and Matt Boogie boarding

Branden, Matt, Daddy and Annie playing one of the many games of UNO

All the kids travelling home!!
Lucy, Matt and cousin Nick
BJ and Annie
We all had such a great time camping and have come home with some great memories
*a turkey taking Lucy's piece of cake right out of her hand
*a turkey getting into the Ross' annexe and pecking holes into fly screen
* watching a goanna get into the neighbours tent
* lots and lots of boogie boarding
* Daddy and Mr Ross beating Mummy and Mrs Ross in 500 and 240!
* a turkey getting into our butter and leaving peck marks for evidence
* putting up Johnny and Sharon's NEW, never put up before, tent, in the dark
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