....my first born came into the world!! Mummy and Daddy weren't too sure when you were coming because you were ten day overdue. It just happened to be the May long weekend and Mummy and Daddy were doing a very big spring clean around the house because we were having the bank assessors around to value our house within the next few days. After a long couple of days, and a very tired Mummy and Daddy -to-be, our friends invited us around to there place for dinner so Mummy did not have to cook. While we were there, I was experiencing some pains in my groin area but thought nothing of it as it was only slight discomfort and after our BIG long weekend I thought I must just be very sore and tired. After a lovely night we headed home for a BIG sleep as Mummy was booked in the next day for an induction. Once we arrived home I told Daddy about my very mild pains that are now turning into period pains and he declared I was in labour. I very swiftly told him I was not so he ran off the get the Mothers book to prove to me that period pains are the first sign of labour - according to the book! I was too tired to argue so I got myself ready for bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I jumped up immediately with a contraction. WOW!! I did not realise how much they were going to hurt until I had that first one. Daddy got so excited that he went to get his book and stopwatch so he could record the times and duration of each contraction. I said don't bother as it will take ages for more contractions to come. Oh how wrong was Mummy. Every time I went to lay down in bed another one would start. It got to a point where Daddy was counting down to the next contraction. I was not happy with that scenario as I did not need to know when I was ABOUT to have one. I preferred to be left in the dark and be surprised by them! After only two hours from my first contraction, the contractions were coming every three minutes so Daddy wanted to go to the hospital. I on the other hand was not too certain. I did not want to be 'one of those ladies' who got told to go home. I think that would have devastated me so I wanted to stay home for as long as I could. Daddy made me call the hospital and the midwife thought it best I come in as she could guess when I was having contractions as I would go silent every 3 minutes on the phone. Once arriving at the hospital the midwife monitored me and took me into a birthing suite as you were on your way. You wouldn't believe it...the midwife in the birthing suite was an old school class mate of Daddy's dating back to primary school. So they had plenty of catching up to do ...all while I was having contractions. They would ask me periodically if I was okay and then go back to having their reunion. (I must be honest and say that it was actually a great distraction listening to their old school stories and memories it actually helped me get through labour - but don't tell Daddy that!) While the midwife was out of the room as one stage, Daddy thought it would be a good idea to have a BIG suck on the gas, the only problem was that he did this at the start of my contraction so he laughed the whole way through it instead of giving me support!!! So after 6 hours of labour, a school reunion and a very happy (gas) Daddy, Matthew William Mead was born. We were both so overcome with pure joy to see our first born, our first son enter this world. I could not (and still can not) express my thanks, gratitude and appreciation to God for blessing us with such a precious gift. I knew from that very first moment I set my eyes on you that you Matthew, are a gift from God. At that moment I knew why God had chosen your name to be Matthew. I love you dearly, I always have and I always will.
Matthew William Mead
born at 5:35am
May 7 2002
8lb. 7oz.
5 hours old
Seven years later.....
After Matthew waking up super early and then waiting patiently for a more decent hour, it was time to open the presents.
Matthew opening presents
The kids love buying presents for each other, even more so when they get to spend their own money on the chosen present.
Matthew holding the ball that BJ bought him
After eating Matthew's chosen breakfast of BBQ plum kebabs and hash browns it was off to school for everyone. Daddy would not be at home until late so we made breakfast special and put off the cake til the next night so it was the 'mandatory' cupcakes for school instead. This year Matthew went for a spider theme with his cakes.
cupcakes for school
Once Matty got home from school their was a nice surprise waiting for him - a special birthday package from Aunty C, Uncle G, Amelie and Alex.
Eventhough Daddy wouldn't be home for dinner Noonie made it special by coming over - again another one of Matty's favourites, lamb stroganoff
Matty opening Noonie's presents
left over cupcakes were used as a birthday cake for when Noonie was over
This birthday just didn't seem to end! The night after Matty's birthday he asked Nick to come over for a sleep over and to watch a movie on 'the big screen'. The chosen movies were Madagascar 2 and Star Wars The Clone Wars (the animation version). Matthew was so excited that he was finally old enough to watch Stars Wars that Mummy sat with the boys to help make the moment special but by the end of the movie Mummy and Nick had fallen asleep!
Nick, Matt, BJ, Lucy and Annie watching the movie
During intermission (between movie 1 and the three littlies going to bed, and watching movie 2) it was cake time. The chosen cake was a number 7 with a spiders web design and spiderman standing beside it.
everyone singing 'happy birthday'
The next day was Saturday so it was off to soccer, with Nick in tow, for a very early game. Matthew scored the only goal for the game so he was super excited. Once we got home from soccer Mummy took the kids to the 'Duck's park' for a scooter ride and morning tea before heading off for Nick's soccer game.
What a great couple of days of celebrating Matt had!!
Happy Birthday Matty, Hope all your dreams come true for this next year! love Beck, Damo, Cella and Gabby!
Happy birthday Matthew what an exciting week of birthday celebrations you had. May God continue to bless you with many many more once again Happy birthday love always Noonie xxxx
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