Sports Day carnival for 2009 was BJ's first ever carnival. His excitement and pure joy was so lovely to watch. The boys could hardly believe THE day had finally arrived after the carnival had been cancelled twice before due to wet weather and the maintenance men leaving the sprinklers on all night the night before!
The cheering squad: Annie, Grandma and Grandad
Due to the fact that BJ is in Prep, he only needed to wear his usually uniform. However, Matt needed to wear his house shirt which is blue for BOOTH. (Booth being named after the great William and Catherine Booth, the founders of the Salvation Army)The day started off with the usual March Past:
After the march past the Prep start their activities first so they can head back to class as it is a very long day for them.
The first activity for the Preps is the ball game, Over and Under. BJ's team had so much fun doing this game, eventhough they did lose concentration at one point and lost the ball at another but nonetheless they had fun.
The next activity for BJ was his running race. This was the moment BJ had been waiting for. He had trained for weeks beforehand in class, and had talked non stop about it the night before.
Eventhough BJ did not come first, he just couldn't believe that he had FINALLY ran his race and that he got a sticker for trying!
After the Prep's had finished it was then time to start the rest of the carnival. Which means it was Matt's turn. Matt loves a good race and this was no exception. He put everything into it and came 5th.
After his race it was time for the toddlers race. Annie and Lucy both ran in the race and got a sticker for their efforts (which Lucy was most proud of as she showed it off to all the hospital staff when we went up there for a dressings change after that race).
So after the toddlers race, Mum had to take Lucy up for a dressings change, so Annie, Grandma and Grandad stayed on to cheer Matty in his ball game, Captain Ball, in which his team came 1st and in his fun run (a lap and a half around the oval) in which all the kids participate in and he came 5th overall for Year 2.
At the end of the day the winning team was announced and it was BOOTH!! the boys were so excited that their team won.
We are so proud of you boys!!
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