Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas with the Aunties!

As always we have a get together with Aunty Jo and Aunty Emma right before christmas. This year we had a break with tradition, instead of a big christmas dinner we had a picnic in the backyard in the late of the afternoon. It was such a lovely afternoon of eating such yummy homemade goodies.

All of us - and the kids with their presents

Lucy and Aunty Jo

After afternoon tea it was time to decorate the christmas biscuits. So with Aunty Emma and Aunty Jo's help we set off to work.

Annie and Lucy putting M&M's on their biscuits

Annie, Aunty Jo and Lucy

BJ, Aunty Emma and Matthew


Kimmy said...

And they tasted soi good too!! Thanks kids we all enjoyed them RKRJMJ xxx

Anonymous said...

thanks Mattie, Bennie, Annie and Lucy for making the scrummie goodies for us all to eat at christmas looking forward to what you cook up for easter, yumm yumm luv's ye Noonie