Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Annie turn!

Well what an emotional week Mummy has had. With BJ starting Prep, Matt back at school and now Annie starting kindy. Annie was excited that it was FINALLY her turn. She had watched her older brothers have photos on their first day and she was not going to miss out. So before Dad could leave for work she made sure that she had her photo taken with him.

Annie all excited about her first day at Kindy.

Daddy and Annie

Annie had a fantastic first half day. She painted two beautiful pictures, played in the sand pit, ate morning tea, had a story read to her and sang some songs. So when Annie got home she did not complain one bit about having an afternoon nap before picking Matthew up from school.


Kimmy said...

What a rollercoaster ride for poor mummy!! Enjoy your quieter days :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie
my you look so grown up now that you are a kindie kid hope you have a wonderful day and make lots of friends luv ye lots Noonie