Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Star of the Show!!!

One morning during the holidays Mummy took the kids to see a puppet show at the local shopping centre so Daddy could continue working on his assignment. So Aunty Cherie, Georgia and Bradman came along too. So there we were watching the show and then...can you believe it? Out of a whole audience of screaming children who had their hands up, the puppeteer asked Benjamin (who was sitting quietly in his seat, with his hand down!) to go up on stage to help him. Also he asked Georgia to go up on stage too!

Georgia and BJ on stage

BJ holding his puppet
Benjamin absolutely loved being apart of the show, eventhough his face didn't show it! He got quite shy and wouldn't smile but he was absolutely beaming when he was telling Daddy all about it when we got home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Bennie that's my boy taking center stage, you look really hansome up there on the stage good on ye!! Luv's ye Noonie xxx