Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dr. Benjamin Smith

It was dressed up day at Prep! The children have been learning about 'People Who Help Us' so some parents have been coming in and talking about their jobs and how it helps the community. A variety of people came to talk to the kids from pilots to mechanical engineers to taxi drivers to carpenters to nurses..... Benjamin really enjoyed learning about this topic so when it came to dress up day he knew exactly what he wanted to go as - a doctor! So out of the cupboard came Daddy's lab coat and tie and out of the toy room came the 'doctors bag' with all its goodies inside. Benjamin insisted on Mummy making him a special name tag "because all doctors have one Mum don't you know". Benjamin was so excited about this day that he woke up super early to get ready so he wouldn't be late for school (not that we ever have been but just in case today we might he said!)

Dr. Benjamin Smith

BJ enjoying showing Mummy all the 'goodies' in his special bag

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