When I picked the boys up from school Matty was complaining of some very sore fingers. He told me that he was pushed over at lunch time and landed on his two fingers and that he had had an ice pack on them for the rest of the afternoon. Tomas, Matt's friend, verified this story with compassion in his voice. When I looked at the fingers, Mummy's heart sank because you could hardly move them, they were completely covered in bruises and you would not let me touch them. We immediately went up to Dad so you could show him your fingers and he too thought you better go straight up to the hospital.
So off you went with Dad for another hospital visit. The nurses took you straight in as they also suspected what Mummy and Daddy thought and that was they were broken. The doctors ordered x-rays immediately so off you went knowing exactly what you were in for as this was definitely NOT your first time. Once the x-rays were back the doctors were very surprised that the fingers were not broken but that you had only badly bruised them and had ligament damage so they decided to put them in a splint for 4 days to help with the swelling and healing of the fingers. When you returned home Mummy was so pleased to hear the news as I did not need to have another child with something wrong with their hand!! You were also excited because the sore fingers were on your left hand so you were still able to write at school. (I think from your experience with your broken collar bone and not being able to write for weeks you were so relieved to know you didn't have to go through that again)
Matthew with his splint on.
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