Thursday, November 26, 2009

first tooth...

BJ has finally lost his first tooth!!  He has been waiting for this day for quite a while and could hardly contain his excitment when it finally came out while he was wiggling it in bed one night.  Daddy had put the kids to bed, prayed with them and kissed them good night and came down to the lounge to sit with Mummy.  Even before he reached the lounge, BJ came screaming out of his room shouting something both Mummy and Daddy couldn't understand, only to realise that he was screaming with excitment about his tooth.  BJ put his tooth in a cup in his room for the toothfairy to come and take it away leaving something shiny behind.  However, when he woke up in the morning he come straight into Mum & Dad's bedroom to say that the toothfairy did not come so Mummy told BJ to go back to bed as it was far too early for him to wake up.  So when it was time to wake up BJ then found a note and some money in the kitchen because the toothfairy had such a busy night that she did not have time to go into his room and take the tooth!!!  Poor toothfairy she has too much to remember and too much to do in such little time!

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