Friday, November 13, 2009

isn't she beautiful

Annie and Mummy went out one morning for a shop to find her a new summer dress. Annie loves dresses and skirts so when she saw this one she absolutely feel in love with it. So when it came for her prep orientation morning Annie chose to wear her new dress. Prep orientation morning was so much fun for Annie. It is a time for the kids to look through their new classroom, do some activities that they will do next year and meet some children who will be in their class. Mummy and Daddy can hardly believe that the time has nearly come for their next baby to head off to school. (Mummy has tried very hard to convince the kids to do homeschooling but no one wants to take me up on the offer. The boys absolutely love school and Annie can hardly wait to join them!)

Annie 4 1/2 years old

1 comment:

The Adventures of Big Bertha! said...

I think we could make a packet if we worked out how to keep them this age hey??? Too too cute, I can't believe she goes to prep next year.