Sunday, December 20, 2009

beach holiday

While Daddy is away, the rest of us shall play!!  With great thanks to my Mum, the kids and I with Noonie had a beach holiday while Daddy was away.  It was a fantastic week and we all had so much fun.  There was so much swimming, boogie boarding, playing on the playground, eating icecream and some more swimming to be had.  One of the other highlights of the holiday was playing musical beds.  Every one had a turn sleeping with Mummy in the BIG bed and a turn sleeping in the same room as Noonie.  It was tricky keeping up with who sleeps with whom for which night!





There are so many things to remember to tell Daddy when he gets home.

the kids colouring in their new books everyday

Annie and Matty posing on the rocks

Annie and BJ searching for shells in the water

Lucy, BJ, Matty and Annie climbing the rocks

Friday, December 18, 2009

candy canes

Lucy and Benjamin having fun with their first candy cane for the season!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

christmas put on hold!!

Christmas has been put on hold for a very special reason....Benjamin's 6th birthday.  Mummy can hardly believe that it has been 6 years since my beautiful boy was born.  The weekend before BJ's actual birthday we had a little family get-together to celebrate the occasion and of course to eat cake!!

Matt helping BJ read his card.

BJ with his favourite card

BJ blowing out the candles

Lucy helping BJ blow out the candles!!

On BJ's actual birthday he woke up very, very, early but he informed Mum and Dad that he had been awake for a very long time before he came to wake us up.  (who knows what time he really woke up!)  As per tradition the birthday boy sat on the lounge so Matt, Annie and Lucy could bring him his presents.  He got some great gifts from Mum and Dad and Noonie but his favourite was his razor scooter.

BJ on his scooter straight after receiving it

A boys birthday is not complete until he takes the mandatory cup cakes to school.  BJ asked for a racing track but this is the best Mum could do....

school cupcakes

On this very special day, the boys got picked up at lunchtime from school to go and have lunch at Sizzler!  The only reason this happened was because Daddy was leaving for his missions trip to Uganda on the night of BJ's birthday!  Because we had to be at the airport for 5pm Daddy decided to give the boys a special treat and take them out of school so we could have a family lunch together before he set off for 3 weeks. 

Happy Birthday Benjamin!! 
We love you !!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like christmas..

I know it is earlier than usual but we had to put the tree up before Daddy went on his missions trip as he is only returning a week before Christmas Day (far too late to put up a tree!)  So with the christmas music playing, christmas cheer in the house we all embarked on putting up the Christmas tree.  This year it was basically all up to the kids to put the decoratrions on.  It trully looks like a kids tree!!

all the kids putting up the little decorative tree

Daddy and his two girls




Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Matthew had been to a 'Professor Jellybean' birthday party earlier in the day where he had made three different types of goo.  This was a fantastic birthday party and he had so much fun because Matty is very much into making and inventing stuff.  When he got home BJ and Annie were very excited to play with the goo too so once they all had they bath Matty set up the temporary dining room table as the goo space.  He then proceeded to give them instructions on how to use it then he put the timer on for 5 minutes so they could all have the same amount of time at each area before rotating onto the next area.  Does this sound like he has teachers as parents?!

taking turns playing with the goo

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

project tiger

BJ practicing his talk and Matthew being his helper

Benjamin's first ever oral project was on tigers.  BJ had to make a poster and it had to include what the animal looked like, what they ate, where they lived and an interesting fact and them present it to the class.  BJ really enjoyed this project because he can talk under wet cement about anything!  I don't know how many times he practiced his talk but it was always different everytime he said it!  Benjamin did a fantastic job and his teacher was very proud of him and his confidence.

merit bar kid

What a big year it has been for Matty at school.  Not only did he receive a ROC certificate but he also worked hard enough to earn himself a merit bar.  So with Mum and Dad both in attendance at the assembly we proudly watched our boy walk up on stage and receive his special badge.  So Matthew has a blue badge from Year 1 and now a green badge to add to his collection from Year 2

Well Done Matthew, you have worked very hard this year!!

cheeky Lucy waiting at assembly