Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Matthew had been to a 'Professor Jellybean' birthday party earlier in the day where he had made three different types of goo.  This was a fantastic birthday party and he had so much fun because Matty is very much into making and inventing stuff.  When he got home BJ and Annie were very excited to play with the goo too so once they all had they bath Matty set up the temporary dining room table as the goo space.  He then proceeded to give them instructions on how to use it then he put the timer on for 5 minutes so they could all have the same amount of time at each area before rotating onto the next area.  Does this sound like he has teachers as parents?!

taking turns playing with the goo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr professer Jellybean what a wonderful brother you are to allow Annie and Bennie to play with your new invention luv's ye Noonie xx