Sunday, December 13, 2009

christmas put on hold!!

Christmas has been put on hold for a very special reason....Benjamin's 6th birthday.  Mummy can hardly believe that it has been 6 years since my beautiful boy was born.  The weekend before BJ's actual birthday we had a little family get-together to celebrate the occasion and of course to eat cake!!

Matt helping BJ read his card.

BJ with his favourite card

BJ blowing out the candles

Lucy helping BJ blow out the candles!!

On BJ's actual birthday he woke up very, very, early but he informed Mum and Dad that he had been awake for a very long time before he came to wake us up.  (who knows what time he really woke up!)  As per tradition the birthday boy sat on the lounge so Matt, Annie and Lucy could bring him his presents.  He got some great gifts from Mum and Dad and Noonie but his favourite was his razor scooter.

BJ on his scooter straight after receiving it

A boys birthday is not complete until he takes the mandatory cup cakes to school.  BJ asked for a racing track but this is the best Mum could do....

school cupcakes

On this very special day, the boys got picked up at lunchtime from school to go and have lunch at Sizzler!  The only reason this happened was because Daddy was leaving for his missions trip to Uganda on the night of BJ's birthday!  Because we had to be at the airport for 5pm Daddy decided to give the boys a special treat and take them out of school so we could have a family lunch together before he set off for 3 weeks. 

Happy Birthday Benjamin!! 
We love you !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Bennie you have finaly got you own Razor scooter so you can now do all the jumps and tricks you like at the childcare center! love ye lots and lots Noonie xxx