Wednesday, July 7, 2010

camping tradition

Every May long weekend we head to the farm to go camping.  This has become a tradition which we have now done for three years.  It is such a great time catching up with friends that we usually don't have time to during the year.  This long weekend entails lots of laughter around the campfire at night, a 4wd trip and picnic one of the days, a pub lunch to finish it all off and of course the annual pony ride on Charlotte.  This year Matty was too big  for Charlotte! 

Mummy and Lucy at Queen Mary Falls

BJ waiting very patiently for his turn on Charlotte BUT he is getting cold!

Lucy on Charlotte

Annie's turn

all the kids who were on the farm

We had such a fantastic time catching up with our friends but also it was so lovely making new ones too.  The count down is definitely on for next year!

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