Saturday, July 10, 2010

two years until long service!!

Mummy has been a 'stay at home mum' for 8 years so does that mean I am up for my long service leave in two years??   I can hardly believe my baby boy has turned 8 and is growing up way too fast.  Matty had such a great birthday.  It started off with Noonie sleeping over so she was here for the present opening and for a very quick breakfast.  Matthew was very spoilt again this year with lots of books, clothes, nick nacks and all importantly a new scooter.  This present definitely made Matty's day.

Matty opening some presents

some of his books

his scooter

Noonie and the kids

After the special morning it was off to school to share the traditional cupcakes.  For dinner Matty chose his favourite mushroom dinner (beef stroganoff) followed by waffles for dessert.  Matty also wanted his birthday cake to be made out of waffles so it was a very easy cake for Mummy to do.

Matty and his cake

Matty with Mama and Grandad

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

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