Sunday, October 31, 2010

lip gloss....

Lucy covered from head to toe with lip gloss!!

All I can say is "thanks Aunty Karen for introducing Lucy to lip gloss."  One morning while Aunty Karen was looking after Lucy, they decided to go shopping.  While shopping Lucy asked for some lip gloss so, of course, Aunty Karen said yes.  After a few tips on how and when to apply this lip gloss, Lucy came home with the new purchase.  The next day however, Lucy must have forgotten the tips from Aunty Karen (or decided she had a better idea which I think is more the case) and applied the lip gloss ALL over herself!!  from her hair right down to her toes. I worked this out when Lucy came downstairs to me and said "I haven't been doing anything Mum" and I hadn't even asked her a question. So as she walked to me I could smell a very strong strawberry smell and at first I couldn't see anything until she came real close to me and I could see this slimy stuff all over her face with pink speckles.  When I asked her what she had done her reply was "I put on my lip gloss"  I couldn't help but laugh.  We then went upstairs so Lucy could have a bath to see if the lip gloss would come off but we couldn't have one until I took a photo as evidence for Aunty Karen that I don't think Lucy is ready for lip gloss. 

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