Monday, November 8, 2010

playing in the rain

 What do you do when it has been raining ALL day and you are at school not being able to play outside?  Come home and play in the rain!!

BJ posing

the kids found a BIG puddle!

Annie VERY excited

Lucy jumping in the BIG puddle

Playing in the rain is exactly what Mummy ordered!!  It had been raining ALL weekend and then ALL day on the Monday and Mummy could start to tell that the kids had been indoors for too long.  So after school on Monday the kids were ordered to go outside and play.....with the promise of a warm shower and hot chocolate when they were finished.  The kids had so much fun playing in the puddles, jumping on the trampoline and running a muck.  It was definitely something that was needed as the kids were able to get rid of some of the energy that was being sorted up for a sunny day, which we did not see for the rest of the week. 

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