Tuesday, May 24, 2011

that time of year AGAIN...

traditional first day back photos

Well that time has come again...first day back at school.  To be completely honest, this is not my favourite day of the year.  It is the start of homework, take home readers, assignements, parent teacher interviews, staff meetings, more meetings, camps, parent help and the list goes on (this is for the kids as well as for Stewart!) Also it is the time of year the house becomes quiet and still, Lucy looses her best mates and mopes around the house for weeks until she realises they are not coming back - until 3pm that is!! 
The kids DO however LOVE school.  They love seeing there friends again and meeting their teachers for the first time.  The first day of school is always exciting for them - and every day to be honest.  Matthew is in Year 4, Benjamin Year 2 and Annie Year 1, they kids are growing up so fast and I am NOT coping.  Matthew is is the big boys uniform now and Annie is in the formal uniform this year (prepies wear sports uniform everyday) and they look so grown up.  Mummy is so proud of you all and I know you always give your best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel my darling daughter even at my end it never easy saying goodby see ye soon. each time I leave your house. instead of good night see ye in the morning!!