Monday, June 13, 2011

kindy girl

Well the time has come that I have been baby girl goes to kindy.  Lucy was so happy that finally her turn had come to go off to school.  Me on the other hand was not quite ready for it!!  So MY mum (Noonie) had to have the day off to be with me!  Lucy had an absolute ball.  She made some new friends, met her wonderful teachers and painted to her hearts content.  Me on the other hand cried a little, kept looking at my watch and was one of the first mums to pick up their child.  Lucy loves kindy.  She loves all the activities, especially painting (which her teacher says she has a real talent for), loves being with her new friends and loves library.  I just can hardly believe all my babies are off to some form of schooling - how time flies. 

 Lucy and Daddy
 Lucy and Mummy

Lucy with her kindy hat and bag on ready to go

Lucy with her lunch box and her bag in her locker ready for the day

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