Thursday, June 30, 2011

soccer star

BJ our soccer star!!

BJ loves soccer.  He not only trains with his team each week but also Matty's.  He also loves to play in the backyard every afternoon and can't wait til Daddy comes home from work so they can play a game before dinner.  BJ has definitely improved so much since he started two years ago.  He has great ball skills and he is super fast on the field.  BJ is hoping to beat his record of 32 goals last year but this year he has gone up a division so we will wait and see.  This though will not stop BJ from trying his hardest.  We are so proud of you our soccer star.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First X-Courntry

Well this year saw Matty running the x-country for the first time.  He was not too sure what to expect so he did some training on a Friday morning before school for several weeks, but nothing really prepared Matty for what was ahead.  On the day Matty was really nervous but he still ran his best.  Matthew finished 12th out of 40 boys which Mummy was so very proud of him. Matthew gave his all and even overtook some boys on the last home stretch which gave him a real boost.  Matthew is already talking about doing more training for next year as he wants to better his position.  He really enjoyed his morning at cross country.

party time

Annie was allowed a party this year and she chose a CRAFT party.  Why oh why I kept asking Annie as she knows Mummy does not do craft!!  Anyway  I was able to pull a few things together and fun was had by all, especially the birthday girl.  Annie and her 6 friends had fun painting their own pillow case, making their own headband, decorating their own cupcake (which became part of the birthday cake) and some bead thing creation.  All girls went home with smiles on their faces, their own special bag and all their creations.

Monday, June 27, 2011

baby girl turns 6

Wow my first born girl is 6!!  How time flies when you are having fun.  I can actually recall when I found out I was pregnant with you.  It was in the middle of  one night when Mummy had to go the toilet!!  This only happens when I am pregnant.  I just knew that was a sign that I was pregnant and to be honest I knew you were a girl from that very first moment.  I don't know why I had that feeling but I did.  I also went into a state of shock because Benjamin was only 6 months old and Matthew had only just turned 2 and I didn't know if I was ready for another baby.  The next morning I remember telling Daddy and he was excited as his attitude was 'more the merrier'.  So I went to the doctors to check it out and Yep! I was pregnant.  It happened to be Noonies birthday, 10th July, so I put a little jelly bean on the card after Matthew and Benjamin's names to give her a clue and she picked up on the code straight away and was over the moon!!  My pregnancy was a little up and down.  I remember feeling unwell all day, tired all day and smelt every thing in a 30 metre radius!  But I wouldn't change a thing.  We are all so blessed to have you in our lives and my world is alot brighter every day because of you.  Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!  

Monday, June 13, 2011

kindy girl

Well the time has come that I have been baby girl goes to kindy.  Lucy was so happy that finally her turn had come to go off to school.  Me on the other hand was not quite ready for it!!  So MY mum (Noonie) had to have the day off to be with me!  Lucy had an absolute ball.  She made some new friends, met her wonderful teachers and painted to her hearts content.  Me on the other hand cried a little, kept looking at my watch and was one of the first mums to pick up their child.  Lucy loves kindy.  She loves all the activities, especially painting (which her teacher says she has a real talent for), loves being with her new friends and loves library.  I just can hardly believe all my babies are off to some form of schooling - how time flies. 

 Lucy and Daddy
 Lucy and Mummy

Lucy with her kindy hat and bag on ready to go

Lucy with her lunch box and her bag in her locker ready for the day