Monday, June 27, 2011

baby girl turns 6

Wow my first born girl is 6!!  How time flies when you are having fun.  I can actually recall when I found out I was pregnant with you.  It was in the middle of  one night when Mummy had to go the toilet!!  This only happens when I am pregnant.  I just knew that was a sign that I was pregnant and to be honest I knew you were a girl from that very first moment.  I don't know why I had that feeling but I did.  I also went into a state of shock because Benjamin was only 6 months old and Matthew had only just turned 2 and I didn't know if I was ready for another baby.  The next morning I remember telling Daddy and he was excited as his attitude was 'more the merrier'.  So I went to the doctors to check it out and Yep! I was pregnant.  It happened to be Noonies birthday, 10th July, so I put a little jelly bean on the card after Matthew and Benjamin's names to give her a clue and she picked up on the code straight away and was over the moon!!  My pregnancy was a little up and down.  I remember feeling unwell all day, tired all day and smelt every thing in a 30 metre radius!  But I wouldn't change a thing.  We are all so blessed to have you in our lives and my world is alot brighter every day because of you.  Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!  

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