Friday, July 20, 2012

Australian War Memorial - Canberra 2011

During our christmas holiday we made a trip down to Canberra to visit the family.  We had such a great time and can't wait to go back again!!  Part of the Canberra experience was some sight seeing.  On one of the days we head off to the AustralianWar Memorial.  This was definitely a highlight, the kids absolutley loved looking around the exhibits and playing (and learning!) in the childrens section.  We all came out of that experience in awe and wonder for what our service men and women do for us.  We all learnt new things and came away with a new appreciate of freedom really means.

the kids in the freezing cold in the middle of summer!!

Matt in front of one of the exhibits

BJ playing dress ups

Daddy playing dress ups

Lucy playing in the childrens section

Annie in Anzac Hall with the beautiful stain glass windows behind


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