Sunday, July 1, 2012

Birthday Boy Benjamin

Our Benjamin has turned 8!!  WOW, WOW,WOW is all I can say. Time flies when you are having fun. We are truly been blessed to have this special boy in our lives.  He keeps us smiling and laughing all day, every day.  I especially love the things BJ says, for example when we were shopping one day he stopped in the middle of the shopping centre and asked himself aloud, "Am I wearing undies today?"  He then proceeded to check and reassured himself that yes indeed he remembered to put undies on.  As you can interrupt from this story, my 8 year old can still forget to put undies on!!  This is only one of the many stories we have about BJ and the things he says.  

BJ with his birthday card from Matty

BJ finding his new bike at the front door

 BJ's icecream volcano birthday cake

can't have a volcano without sparkler birthday candles.

I love you Benjamin Jack Robert and I am so glad you are in my life.  You make me smile on a daily basis :)

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