I can hardly believe that my baby has just turned 2!! It only seems like yesterday that I was rushing off to the hospital. Lucy was definitely born in a hurry....
The story starts off the day before you were born, Dec 15. Benjamin was scheduled for surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed and grommets inserted into the ears. You were 5 days late at this stage and we could not change BJ's surgery date because it was an emergency operation so it could not be put off. This did not seem a problem three weeks beforehand when we made the arrangements because everyone, even the doctors and nurses, thought you would come early. So Mummy spent all day with BJ in hospital until 8pm then Daddy took over for the 'night shift'! I arrived home, relieved Mama from her babysitting duties and proceeded to rest for the night after an emotionally draining day. Noonie was sleeping over that night so Mummy could wake up and go straight to the hospital to pick Daddy and BJ up without having to wait for someone to come and look after Matthew and Annie. Noonie arrived home at our place at 12am (Dec 16) after her staff dinner party and was looking forward to a good night sleep too. So off to bed we went. Anyway, some time later I felt quite funny and thought that something was up with the you (the baby) so I got up and went into the kitchen and as I did my waters gushed all over the floor!! I looked at the clock and it was exactly 2am. I called out to Noonie to wake her up and to let her know that things were happening. I phoned Mama and Grandad to come over so they could look after Matthew and Annie while Noonie drove me to the hospital. I also had to call the hospital to let them know I was on my way. While on the phone to the midwife I asked her to forward me onto the Children's hospital so I could let Daddy know what was happening so he could meet us outside the Children's hospital. This was so we could drop Noonie off to go sit with BJ and Daddy come with me for the birth. Once Grandma and Grandad arrived the contractions had started and Noonie and I set off for the hospital. Half way to the hospital Noonie commented on the amount of traffic on the road and I said "no there isn't" and that's when I realised Noonie wasn't wearing her driving glasses! By this stage I didn't care because I thought you were coming!! So I told Noonie to forget about picking Daddy up as I was not going to make it to the hospital if we did. So I called Daddy back to let him know he had to meet us at the maternity ward. Well, the only way Daddy could get there was by RUNNING from the Children's section to the Maternity section and because it was the middle of the night all the hospitals internal gates were locked so he had to run right around the block! Daddy arrived just as Noonie and I did so Noonie went to be with BJ and Daddy come upstairs with me to the birthing suites. Once we arrived at the birthing suites the nurses wanted me to wait in the waiting room as they were very busy but I told Daddy "Do not wheel me in there as this baby is coming!" So after the next contraction I yelled out "I need a room as this baby is coming NOW!!!!" The next second a midwife came out and wheeled me into a room and then before you know it you were born! The midwife let Daddy look to see if you were a boy or a girl and his response was "It's a girl, no its not it's a boy!" The midwife's reply was "No it's not it's a girl!!" We were so overjoyed! We were both extremely tired but overjoyed none the less. We were so grateful the God had given us another baby girl and now we felt complete as a family. Daddy gave you such a big kiss and a cuddle and the next minute Daddy got a call from Noonie saying that BJ had woken up and was wanting Daddy. So 10 minutes after you were born Daddy had to leave to go be with BJ and Noonie came over to be with her new baby granddaughter (and her own daughter too of course!). The next morning Benjamin was your first visitor and he gave you your first ever gift, your teddy Dizzy.
Lucy Josephine
born at 2:53am
December 16 2006
7lb 9oz.
53 cm

Lucy only a few hours old

first photo of ALL the kids!
Two years later...
The kids want to help Lucy unwrap her presents but she made it very clear that she can do it ALL by herself!

Lucy unwrapping her birthday presents
After always trying to steal the boys scooters, Lucy has finally got one all of her own.
Lucy playing on her new scooter
eating sausages and eggs (Lucy's favourite breakfast!)
After breakfast the boys made mention that they wanted to buy Lucy a birthday present with their own money. So while the girls were having their day sleeps the boys went off to the shops with wallets in tow, and each bought Lucy a present. Matthew bought her a teddy bear and Benjamin bought Lucy some bangles and rings.
Lucy with the presents Matthew and BJ gave her
Later in the day the family came over for homemade chicken nuggets and chips for dinner. (Lucy's favourite dinner!)
Lucy opening more present
The kids decided on what Lucy's birthday cake should be and they all decided together that Lucy would like butterfly cupcakes.

Lucy's birthday cake was butterfly cupcakes outlined in the shaped of a number two.