Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Slave Labor

Benjamin, Matthew, Lucy and Annie enjoying reading together

With Daddy at uni and Mummy cleaning up the dinner dishes who else is there to read the littlies their bedtime story? Matthew our beautiful boy that's who. He is so loving and kind when it comes to his brother and sisters. Matthew really trully does love them and it can be shown when you least expect it. Matthew knew that I was trying to get things done so he took it upon himself to round up the 'littlies', as he so affectionately calls them, and starts reading the bedtime story. Benjamin, Annie and Lucy so adore him too.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday exploration

Lucy and Daddy
BJ and Annie hiding from Daddy and Matt...

and now jumping out to scare them!!

After church on Sunday we decided to head out for an exploration. Down the road from us is the Chermside Reserve which has all different walking tracks. Stewart and Matthew had been down there the day before exploring on their bikes so they wanted to take us all for a bush walk. We had such a lovely time. The kids were running ahead and hiding and trying to scare each other, Matthew enjoyed jumping on the ant hills and seeing them all come out, Benjamin loved running with his Wags tail on, Annie enjoyed swinging between Mum and Dad and Lucy loved being in the backpack where she could see everything.

Fete time

Matthew and BJ with redback spiders and Annie with Henry the Octopus

Aunty Karen's school, Prince of Peace, puts on a fete every year so this year we decided to go and have a look. The kids had a blast. There were rides, lolly stalls, toy stalls, food, camel and pony rides, an animal farm, singing, dancing and a whole lot more. The kids decided on one ride each and to get their face painted. Matthew decided on the adult ride that goes up and down, around and around - you know the one that makes any grown up sick in the stomach! Benjamin and Annie decided on the giant blow up, jumping castle type slide and Lucy, well she just stayed in the stroller. They also played on the playground. After a few hours of fun and excitement it was time to head home and see how much assignment work Dad had got done!

Charger of the Match!

Matthew with his certificate
Matthew played a great game of soccer on Saturday morning for his team Northside Chargers so because of this Matt was awarded with the 'Charger of the Match' certificate. Matthew is such a great defensive player and enjoys stopping people from scoring goals. He was however, worried about remembering how to play. Matt has not been able to play all week due to the continuous rain we have had. When I told him on Friday that training was cancelled he said "Mum how am I suppose to remember how to play if we haven't had training?" I reassured him by saying that 'I think it will all come back to you Matt once you are on the field!'

Benjamin, Annie and Lucy's favourite part of soccer - half time for the oranges of coarse!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

So what do you do when it has rained for the past four afternoons?

Make a Hot Wheels City in the lounge room!! Matthew and Benjamin had so much fun building their tracks and jumps on a very rainy afternoon. They especially enjoyed timing each other to see who could go the fastest (and Lucy enjoyed pulling the track apart, several times!) It was so nice seeing the boys enjoying playing together. Matthew and Benjamin are definitely the best of mates.
Matthew and Benjamin's creation

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The latest winter fashion

Lucy and Annie showing off the lastest fashion

Lucy about to help me with the washing

Annie riding the trike

Forget skivvies and forget stockings this winter as the latest in thing is a pair of goggles! The girls found the swimming goggles and thought they were the best thing ever so they decided to wear them while playing outside. I asked Annie why see was wearing the goggles and her response was "to keep the sun out of my eyes mum" like I should know already!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sunday afternoon at the park

Aunty Emmy, Lucy, Matthew, Benjamin, Annie and Aunty Jo in the 'rainforest'

The Awesome Foursome after their tractor ride!

What a glorious day for the park and with my 'forever' friends visiting, Jo and Emma. We decided to head off to the park for a bike ride (the boys), a play on the playground and a kick of the footy after lunch. When we were at the 'helicopter' park, (we have strange names for all our parks!) the neighbour who mows the grass invited the kids for a tractor ride. This was a great surprise and the kids really enjoyed it. We then headed off to the 'swings' park and then around to the 'rainforest'. We all enjoyed our afternoon with Aunty Jo and Aunty Emmy.

Bedtime routine

Every night we have the same routine ... bath, dinner, teeth, book, bed, rub... The kids love reading the books we have borrowed from the local library. Mummy reads the story then Dad gives them a rub in bed. BUT tonight Daddy gave them a story and Mummy sang them each a song. We all love this time of night as it is a special time that we all cherish.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

BJ on two wheels

Benjamin decided it was time for Daddy to take the training wheels off. So this is Benjamin riding his bike for the first time with TWO wheels!

So why is he riding Annie's bike to the park?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Annie's first haircut...

from a real hairdresser that is! Annie has been having her hair cut by Mummy up until now. Her hairstyle is very straight forward , a bob, and I have noticed that since her hair is thickening up I do not seem to cut it very straight at the back. So off to Elise we go. Annie was very excited about going to a BIG girls hairdresser and can't wait to go back! I hope I haven't started something that may leave us financially ruined when she is older!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dreamworld / Whitewater World

Benjamin and Aunty Karen on Dorothy's Tea cups

What a fantastic day!! Last Sunday we headed off for a day of fun and excitement at Dreamworld and Whitewater World with Aunty Karen, Nick and his friend Branden. Because the tickets were purchased from RACQ we were able to enter Dreamworld at 9 am (instead of 10am) as the major rides were open to RACQ ticket holders only. This meant that we did not have to line up for any of the scary rides!! Matthew and I went on the Giant Drop together first. As we were ascending up the tower my first thought was 'what a great view', however my second thought was 'what am I doing? I want to get off now'. I am trying to tell Matthew to close his eyes as I was very concerned that he had the same feelings. However he kept telling me that he wants to leave them open and look down!! I am saying "NO NO close your eyes" and he was saying "No thank you Mum I want to look down". My heart was now racing at a hundred mile an hour and then ... you guessed it... we started falling. I tried so hard to scream but nothing came out. So I tried again and still nothing came out. As we were falling to the ground VERY fast I thought to myself 'I am not doing this again', however once we stopped my first words were "I want to do this again!" Mad I know but what can I say, I LOVED IT. Anyway after the Giant drop Stewart took Matt on the new Motorbike one and again LOVED it. Matthew's favourite ride was the Tower Terror eventhough I did see a TERRORfied look on his face!! As we were ascending very fast up the tower I glanced over to Matt who had a terrorfied look on his face so I held onto him. I also noticed the young man on the otherside of Matthew look at him too and then he looked at me a gave me a 'I'm not too sure if he is enjoying this' look. But before we had come to a complete stop Matthew shouted out "Awesome Mum, this is the best ride ever!" All I can say is that Matthew is already an adreline junkie at the age of 6. Do I dare think about what he will be like in the future!?
Benjamin, Annie and Lucy are alot calmer so they really enjoyed the Big Red Car ride around the Wiggles house and also the Teacup ride with Aunty Karen. Benjamin did make Aunty Karen a little nauseous by spinning her around ALOT and quite fast.
Whitewater world was great too. The littlies had a ball in Wiggles Bay and the big boys (Stewart, Matt, Nick and Branden) had a blast on all the big waterslides. The highlight was the Hydrocoaster. This is a water rollercoaster. You slide down the slides and pulled up by magnets!?
We finished the day off feeding the animals at The Wiggles Farm and going on the train.
Thanks Aunty Karen for a great day!! We love you!

Monday, July 14, 2008

More of Seaworld

Matthew and I after our ride on the Corkscrew!!

Lucy on her favourite ride, the Trucks.

Annie (with Stewart) waving to Zoe during the Sesame Street Show

Benjamin touching a starfish in the touch tank.
We did do so much in the two days that we had at Seaworld. Not only did we see the four shows we also went into the 4D theatre. Stewart and Matt saw it first and really enjoyed it so Stewart assured me that BJ and Annie would love it and that they would not be scared. I was a little hesitant because BJ is not too fond of things that could be a little bit scary. Anyway I took them both and shall I say it was NOT a good move!! BJ got scared 3 minutes into the presentation and started crying loudly!! but I reassured him it was okay and to take his glassess off then he was okayish! Annie then proceeded to say she was scared!! I did brave it out with the two of them and I must say that the 4D show was fantastic. Definitely worth the watch, even with two scared children!!


What a great two days had by all. This photo was taken at the end of our two days at Seaworld and we were all still smiling!! After being blessed with a night stay at Seaworld Nara Resort and two full days at Seaworld we headed home with many memories and stories to tell. The first day we watched the Dolphin Show and the Waterski Show which were both fantastic. The kids had so many turns on the rides at Seaworld as it was not that busy for the holidays. Matthew braved the Corkscrew rollercoaster and LOVED IT!! He made Stewart go on it twice and then persuaded me to take him also. This was definitely his highlight. Benjamin and Annie loved the Big Bird Bounce which is a very little kids version of the Giant Drop! Lucy loved the Trucks and honking their horns. The second day we watched the Seal Show and the Sesame Street Show. Annie was very taken with Zoe. We were all very exhausted from our two days away and slept very well when we got home.

Where do I begin?

Well after a fantastic day at Dreamworld yesterday and a great time at Seaworld last week it got me thinking. Where can I write all this down and show some photos for my kids to remember in the future....blogging world!! SO kids as you look back on this in years to come I hope you will remember the incredible journey of our lives together with great joy and happiness. Above all, always remember that I think you are the greatest and that I love you so so so so much.