Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dreamworld / Whitewater World

Benjamin and Aunty Karen on Dorothy's Tea cups

What a fantastic day!! Last Sunday we headed off for a day of fun and excitement at Dreamworld and Whitewater World with Aunty Karen, Nick and his friend Branden. Because the tickets were purchased from RACQ we were able to enter Dreamworld at 9 am (instead of 10am) as the major rides were open to RACQ ticket holders only. This meant that we did not have to line up for any of the scary rides!! Matthew and I went on the Giant Drop together first. As we were ascending up the tower my first thought was 'what a great view', however my second thought was 'what am I doing? I want to get off now'. I am trying to tell Matthew to close his eyes as I was very concerned that he had the same feelings. However he kept telling me that he wants to leave them open and look down!! I am saying "NO NO close your eyes" and he was saying "No thank you Mum I want to look down". My heart was now racing at a hundred mile an hour and then ... you guessed it... we started falling. I tried so hard to scream but nothing came out. So I tried again and still nothing came out. As we were falling to the ground VERY fast I thought to myself 'I am not doing this again', however once we stopped my first words were "I want to do this again!" Mad I know but what can I say, I LOVED IT. Anyway after the Giant drop Stewart took Matt on the new Motorbike one and again LOVED it. Matthew's favourite ride was the Tower Terror eventhough I did see a TERRORfied look on his face!! As we were ascending very fast up the tower I glanced over to Matt who had a terrorfied look on his face so I held onto him. I also noticed the young man on the otherside of Matthew look at him too and then he looked at me a gave me a 'I'm not too sure if he is enjoying this' look. But before we had come to a complete stop Matthew shouted out "Awesome Mum, this is the best ride ever!" All I can say is that Matthew is already an adreline junkie at the age of 6. Do I dare think about what he will be like in the future!?
Benjamin, Annie and Lucy are alot calmer so they really enjoyed the Big Red Car ride around the Wiggles house and also the Teacup ride with Aunty Karen. Benjamin did make Aunty Karen a little nauseous by spinning her around ALOT and quite fast.
Whitewater world was great too. The littlies had a ball in Wiggles Bay and the big boys (Stewart, Matt, Nick and Branden) had a blast on all the big waterslides. The highlight was the Hydrocoaster. This is a water rollercoaster. You slide down the slides and pulled up by magnets!?
We finished the day off feeding the animals at The Wiggles Farm and going on the train.
Thanks Aunty Karen for a great day!! We love you!

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