Friday, August 29, 2008

Look at me Mummy!

Lucy showing Mummy how she climbed to the top

Lucy very proud of her achievements
While I was busy in the kitchen, Lucy was busy climbing the bunk beds!! I can't believe it but my baby has learnt to climb the bunk bed and come down as well. While I was getting morning tea ready I heard Lucy call out to me. I went to investigate and there I saw her with a huge smile on her face and a look saying 'aren't you proud of me mum I can climb to the top now!' To say the least Lucy was very proud of her achievement and has continued to climb the bunk ever since. After I had put her and Annie to bed tonight I thought I better go check on the girls and what do you suppose I found?? The two girls curled up together on Annie's top bunk!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mummy's little helpers

Annie and Lucy have taken it upon themselves to help Mummy empty the dishwasher. Their favourite things to empty are the cutlery and the cups and plates (plastic ones!). As soon as they hear either Daddy or Mummy emptying the dishwasher they both come running. They get the step so the cutlery basket can rest on that so Lucy can take them out and hand them to Annie who then puts them in the draw. Annie and Lucy have worked out there own little system and it works great. There is though one problem with this wonderful gesture of help, Lucy doesn't realize that you need to fill the dishwasher to be able to get clean ones out. Everytime she sees the dishwasher opens she automatically thinks you want to empty it!! I have now had to resort to filling the dishwasher when she is in bed. Annie has also started helping me with the washing. She has her own washing basket and trolley and stands beside me and takes all the undies and socks out of my basket and puts them in hers so we can hang them out together very last.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Dancing Princess

Annie absolutely loves to dance. She cranks up the music (her favourite is Aunty Jo's kids church CD), puts on her dancing tutu, dancing shoes and a way she goes. Annie just loves to dance and see her reflection in the T.V as she dances in the lounge room. She has found a pink shoelace and now uses it as a special dancing ribbon. However, Annie will not dance in front of too many people so these photos will be the only evidence you may get to see!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who Am I?

the BFG of course!

Matthew decided to participate in Book Week at the very last minute so this costume was the best a mum could do!! The students were asked to dress up as a book character so seeing as I am reading The BFG by Roald Dahl to the boys at the moment, Matthew thought that the BFG would be a great character to dress up as. So with some left over brown cardboard, a brown paper bag, one of Annie's head bands and a blue plastic tablecloth I was able to transform Matthew in to the BIG FRIENDLY GIANT. Matthew had such a great day at school and is very much looking forward to the next Book Week activity.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lucy's continuing adventures with clothes!

One minute she is putting things on, like her brothers undies on her head BUT...

the next minute she is pulling things off!! (or down in this instance)

Lucy's latest fashion style is pulling her pants down and continuing on with whatever she is doing. She absolutely finds this hilarious and really enjoys doing this in public ESPECIALLY at school! So what I can make of it all, Lucy enjoys putting ON everybody elses clothes and taking OFF her clothes. I have heard some people (mainly my mum!) comment on the fact that she is just like her mother as a little girl, but really? I don't think so!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

He's done it again!

Matthew with his arm thingy on

Yesterday afternoon at school Matthew fractured his collarbone! While playing on the fort during class sport, Matthew was hanging upside down on a bar and as he was getting down he fell on his shoulder. I happened to see part of what happened but I did not want to rush over to him because it was during class time and I knew his teacher could handle it. Mrs S brushed him off, gave him a cuddle, wiped away the tears and asked him to line up ready to go home. After a minute or two Matt still had not calmed down so Mrs S motioned me to come over and give him a cuddle seeing as it was the end of the day anyway. I too gave him a cuddle told him to go have a drink and that everything was okay. Once he came back he was still quite upset so I had a closer look at his shoulder and I felt a bump. I immediately thought that we should head up to Daddy's office as I knew something serious had happened. We got Stewart out of class, showed him the shoulder and Stew immediately thought we should take him up to the hospital for an x-ray. So off Matt and Dad went. Once at the hospital Matt had calmed down and was moving his shoulder somewhat again. This is when the doctor thought he hadn't really done anything to his shoulder but will take an x-ray just in case. Well the x-ray proved that he had indeed fratured his collarbone and that it was very very close to an actual break. So two and a half hours later they arrived home with the arm thingy on and a pizza in hand!! So you may ask how does a boy break his leg, cut open his eyelid and fracture his collarbone all by the age of 6? Well my only response is - he is just like his father!!

The pose he really wanted me to capture
I must admit Matthew is always full of smiles and cheer even when he is hurt!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

playing dress ups

Lucy favourite thing to do is PLAYING DRESS UPS!!

TAKE 1 - wearing Matthew's undies (which she put on herself)

TAKE 2 - wearing Daddy's shoes
TAKE 3 - wearing Annie's pretty princess skirt
TAKE 4 - wearing Mummy's shoes

TAKE 5 - wearing Annie's other princess skirt

Believe it or not this all happened before lunch on one day!! Any opportunity for Lucy to put on someone else's clothes or shoes then she is there. For example when we were at a play centre the other day Lucy decided to try on everybody's shoes. Every time I looked around there she was with a different pair of shoes on walking around thinking she was the prettiest girl in town (which she IS of course!). If the boys can not find something then they always ask Lucy first where she has put it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Matt asked me if he could wait out the front for our visitors to arrive for our bike ride. So of course I said 'yes' so with BJ and Annie in tow this is what I saw from my kitchen window.

Not quite what I had in mind!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

master painters

Matthew and his rocket

Benjamin and one of his many creations

Annie and her rainbow

Lucy with paint on her face

Move over Picasso, watch out Pro Hart here comes the Master Painters! This was the activity that the playgroup kids did at our house this week. With BJ and Matt at kindy and school I thought I would leave it set up so they too could have a go. All it was was some food colouring mixed with water being painted on paper towel. Matthew painted a rocket and a red racing car and BJ, Annie and Lucy just went Pro Hart style. I do think Lucy got more paint on her mouth than on the paper towel! The kids really enjoyed this activity to the point we used up most of a new roll of paper towel. It was such a great alternative to proper paints as the water on the paper towel make the paints mix together and the kids get to watch the paint spreading.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Battle Scar!

BJ's battle scar
Benjamin went riding with Daddy yesterday and arrived home with a huge smile on his face (which apparently was not there a few minutes before!). BJ had his first real stack on his bike. He was riding next to Dad up the hill and somehow lost his balance and fell to the ground. BJ let out an almightly scream because he gave himself a fright and paniced because he could not get his foot from underneath the bike, however once Daddy helped him up, looked under his shirt and pointed out his scar (red blemish) he was so excited. He felt like a big boy now! So he came rushing home to show all of us his battle scar. If you can not see the scar it is near the bottom of his rib cage but don't tell him you can't see it!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The sun is shining

Lucy and Benjamin on the seesaw

Annie on the swing swinging herself

After having a couple of weeks of continuous rain it was so nice to finally see the sun shining. The kids haven't played outside for a while so they were very excited to get back out there. Lucy absolutely loves the seesaw and will scream somebody's name until they hop on and take her for a ride. Our seesaw not only goes up and down but it also goes around and around which is her favourite part. Annie has just learnt to put herself on the swing and swing herself. She is so proud of her efforts and asks you to watch her ALL the time. It was so nice to be able to play outside and enjoy the sunshine.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Merit Bar kid

Matthew on stage with his merit bar

On Friday Matthew received his Merit Bar (which is a special badge). This is a great honour and a priviledge for any child to receive at school. Matthew has worked very hard to receive this by completing his homework on time, learning his scripture verses, being a good friend, respecting his teachers, following the school rules etc etc. Once a child has received 5 ROC awards (record of commendation) they get a certificate and then once they receive 5 more ROC awards they get a merit bar. Matthew was so proud of himself with this achievement that he stood up on the stage with a smile stretching from ear to ear. I am sure he thought that all the other parents were there to see him get his award and not there to see their child singing in the choir which happened to be on the same day. He is now working hard toward his next certificate which then leads to his next merit bar. Not all students will receive a merit bar in year one so we are very proud. The ROC awards do carry over from each year level so the students do not need to start off afresh every year. Matthew received his certificate last year in Prep so after only 6 months in Year One is was able to receive his merit bar. This is such a great achievement.

Matthew wearing his merit bar with pride.