Monday, August 4, 2008

Merit Bar kid

Matthew on stage with his merit bar

On Friday Matthew received his Merit Bar (which is a special badge). This is a great honour and a priviledge for any child to receive at school. Matthew has worked very hard to receive this by completing his homework on time, learning his scripture verses, being a good friend, respecting his teachers, following the school rules etc etc. Once a child has received 5 ROC awards (record of commendation) they get a certificate and then once they receive 5 more ROC awards they get a merit bar. Matthew was so proud of himself with this achievement that he stood up on the stage with a smile stretching from ear to ear. I am sure he thought that all the other parents were there to see him get his award and not there to see their child singing in the choir which happened to be on the same day. He is now working hard toward his next certificate which then leads to his next merit bar. Not all students will receive a merit bar in year one so we are very proud. The ROC awards do carry over from each year level so the students do not need to start off afresh every year. Matthew received his certificate last year in Prep so after only 6 months in Year One is was able to receive his merit bar. This is such a great achievement.

Matthew wearing his merit bar with pride.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Well done Matthew! We too are proud of you! Love Matt, Rach, Thomas, Zachy and Harrison.