Friday, August 22, 2008

Lucy's continuing adventures with clothes!

One minute she is putting things on, like her brothers undies on her head BUT...

the next minute she is pulling things off!! (or down in this instance)

Lucy's latest fashion style is pulling her pants down and continuing on with whatever she is doing. She absolutely finds this hilarious and really enjoys doing this in public ESPECIALLY at school! So what I can make of it all, Lucy enjoys putting ON everybody elses clothes and taking OFF her clothes. I have heard some people (mainly my mum!) comment on the fact that she is just like her mother as a little girl, but really? I don't think so!!


Anonymous said...

oh she is just so gorgeous :-)

The Adventures of Big Bertha! said...

Funny, Marcella does the same thing ALL THE TIME except she pulls off her nappy as well. Bring on summer and toilet training I say! Lucy is just lovely!