Friday, August 15, 2008

He's done it again!

Matthew with his arm thingy on

Yesterday afternoon at school Matthew fractured his collarbone! While playing on the fort during class sport, Matthew was hanging upside down on a bar and as he was getting down he fell on his shoulder. I happened to see part of what happened but I did not want to rush over to him because it was during class time and I knew his teacher could handle it. Mrs S brushed him off, gave him a cuddle, wiped away the tears and asked him to line up ready to go home. After a minute or two Matt still had not calmed down so Mrs S motioned me to come over and give him a cuddle seeing as it was the end of the day anyway. I too gave him a cuddle told him to go have a drink and that everything was okay. Once he came back he was still quite upset so I had a closer look at his shoulder and I felt a bump. I immediately thought that we should head up to Daddy's office as I knew something serious had happened. We got Stewart out of class, showed him the shoulder and Stew immediately thought we should take him up to the hospital for an x-ray. So off Matt and Dad went. Once at the hospital Matt had calmed down and was moving his shoulder somewhat again. This is when the doctor thought he hadn't really done anything to his shoulder but will take an x-ray just in case. Well the x-ray proved that he had indeed fratured his collarbone and that it was very very close to an actual break. So two and a half hours later they arrived home with the arm thingy on and a pizza in hand!! So you may ask how does a boy break his leg, cut open his eyelid and fracture his collarbone all by the age of 6? Well my only response is - he is just like his father!!

The pose he really wanted me to capture
I must admit Matthew is always full of smiles and cheer even when he is hurt!!

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