Monday, January 31, 2011

Well the time had come.....the kids have been asking Mum and Dad to go to Aussie World forever.  Every time we pass Aussie World the kids always ask if we can stop and go and have a look - and we always say no because we are always passing it go somewhere and never have the time to stop.  So during the rainy holidays Dad and I decided to surprise the kids with a day at Aussie World.  To be completely honest Dad and I did not think there would be anything much there so we did no go prepared with hats or food.  What a mistake!!  When we arrived the kids were beside themselves with such excitement and Dad and I kept looking at each other thinking we hope the kids don't get disappointed once we are inside.  Well Dad and I were SO surprised.  Aussie World was very empty, beside one Year 7 class who looked like they were having an end of year breakup and a few other families.  The kids had so much fun on the ferris wheel, merry-go-around, Annie's favourite the swinging chair ride, Matty's favourite the dodgem cars and BJ and Lucy's favourite the Taxi ride and quite a few more.  We did not have to line up for any of the rides and the kids just went from one ride to the next.  Dad and I were so surprised at how long we stayed at Aussie World and also how much it cost us to buy lunch!!  Next time I will definitely be more prepared!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

an afternoon at the beach

We love the beach and quite often take the drive up the coast so we can feel the sand and salt water between our toes!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

school christmas play

Every year at school Prep to Year 3 have a celebration morning.  This is when ALL students in Prep to 3 perform in a Christmas pageant.  The teachers are amazing and make sure each child is on stage for part of the performance.  The Preps girls were Angels.... 

Annie as a beautiful angel

The Year 3 boys were villagers.....

Matthew singing on stage as a villager

The Year 1 girls were stars and the boys were the shepherds.  However, Benjamin was given an extra special role.  Each year a small group of children from Year 1 are given the main roles.  Matthew was the Inn keeper two years ago and two years later Benjamin was cast as Angel Gabriel.  He was so excited about his special part and gave it his all.  

Benjamin singing

Angel Gabriel giving his message to Mary

All the kids did a wonderful job and we are so proud of them all.

the christmas season has begun

WOW! This time of year comes around faster every year, I'm sure of it.  Also this is the time of year where we have LOTS of family traditions.  The first one being....putting up the Christmas tree.  We always put the Christmas tree up the weekend after Benjamin's birthday. 

Daddy and the kids putting up the decorations


Annie putting decorations on and Lucy setting up the advent calendar



It was Annie's turn this year to put the star on top!

traditional photo in front of the completed Christmas tree!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

one year on....

I finally downloaded the pictures off our little camera which I haven't done for a year or rarely used for a year as this time last year I upgraded cameras.  And this is some of what I found....

Matthew at the beach (December 09)

Annie at the beach (December 09)

all the kids outside city hall (January 2010)

all the kids beach (January 2010)

Friday, January 7, 2011

my girly girl


Lucy is definitely a girly girl.  She loves all things bright and beautiful!  Lucy loves all jewellery, crafts, dresses, high heels, hand bags, babies (real and not so real) - everything her older sister is not.  Lucy names and loves all her 'babies' and makes sure gives them all equal attention.  Her favourite 'babies' at the moment are - Baby Betty, Daisy, Dora, Baby Jessica, Ella, Milly and Sarah - and these are to name but a few. Even when we are visiting our friends she takes a liking to all of their jewellery, for example - above photo - taken at a friends house - none of that jewellery is ours! Lucy and Annie are so different in so many ways but they are such great mates.  They really appreciate each others differences and similarities and when they are playing with each other they very rarely fight as they just know how each other are.  Love my girls...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

birthday boy

Wow!  I can't believe my baby boy has turned 7!  Time has gone by so fast and I want it to slow right down... I can remember finding out I was pregnant with him.  I went to the doctor with some womanly complaints and the doctor wanted to rule out pregnancy so she asked me to do a pregnancy test, so while we were waiting for the results she started to discuss some possibilities of what was going on.  The doctor then started to prescribe some stuff but then walked over to the pregnancy test just to double check her prediction BUT she then looked at me in complete shock and said "I think congratulations are in order."  Well I was shocked but definitely over the moon.  Matthew and I then left the doctors surgery picked Daddy up from work and took him home for the shock of his life (not the first and not the last!).  Matty and Daddy sat on the couch and I then showed him the pregnancy test.  At first he was unsure of what it was, as I had never used one before, but once he worked it out he was so thrilled.  And that is the start of our life with Benjamin Jack Robert...

Seven years on BJ has had his first party with his friends from school and he chose to have a water party.  This meant lots of water pistol fights, home made water slides and LOTS of water balloons finished off with an ice cream cake.  BJ had so much fun and he talked about it for such a long time after. 

BJ with his 'family' birthday cake

Happy Birthday Birthday Boy!!
we love you so much

two cuties

Matt and Lucy

This photo was taken when Lucy and I went on an excursion with Matt to a dairy farm.  We all had such a great day. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

the 4 musketeers

After watching Barbie and the three musketeers, the kids were inspired to make there own masks and become the FOUR musketeers!  So firstly off to the shops we went to buy some masks and some decorations and then off to the toy room they went to let there creative juices flow.  They all designed what they wanted first on a piece of paper before they started making them. 

the 4 musketeers and their masks!

You can not be a musketeers without some fighting

or LIMBO!!

soccer stars

At this years Soccer Presentation Night, Matt was awarded his participation trophy for playing with the Chargers!!
Matt with his trophy

BJ was also awarded a participation trophy for playing with the Hornets as well as the Best & Fairest from his team.  BJ was so excited about receiving his Best & Fairest trophy because Matt was given this last year.  You could not wipe the smile off his face for days!!  We are so proud of you boys, you both had a fantastic year of soccer.
BJ with his two trophies and his BIG smile!


Annie and Lucy

The girls love to bake but more than that they love to decorate.  So Annie asked if we could make the 'painting biscuits'.  This is when you make the dough, roll it out, cut out your shapes and then paint them BEFORE you bake them.  These biscuits are delicious and a lot of fun to make!!