Monday, January 31, 2011

Well the time had come.....the kids have been asking Mum and Dad to go to Aussie World forever.  Every time we pass Aussie World the kids always ask if we can stop and go and have a look - and we always say no because we are always passing it go somewhere and never have the time to stop.  So during the rainy holidays Dad and I decided to surprise the kids with a day at Aussie World.  To be completely honest Dad and I did not think there would be anything much there so we did no go prepared with hats or food.  What a mistake!!  When we arrived the kids were beside themselves with such excitement and Dad and I kept looking at each other thinking we hope the kids don't get disappointed once we are inside.  Well Dad and I were SO surprised.  Aussie World was very empty, beside one Year 7 class who looked like they were having an end of year breakup and a few other families.  The kids had so much fun on the ferris wheel, merry-go-around, Annie's favourite the swinging chair ride, Matty's favourite the dodgem cars and BJ and Lucy's favourite the Taxi ride and quite a few more.  We did not have to line up for any of the rides and the kids just went from one ride to the next.  Dad and I were so surprised at how long we stayed at Aussie World and also how much it cost us to buy lunch!!  Next time I will definitely be more prepared!!

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